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R5560 SDK

This is the SDK library for the CAEN / Nuclear Instruments R5560/SE DAQ board This is the low level library. This library just offer basic hardware access method and tipically is not direclty used by users but it is a mandatory component of SciSDK library.

You must install this library in the system in order to use R5560/DT5560/R5560SE with SciSDK. While in windows the latest available version of this library is automatically installed with SciSDK by the SciSDK setup.

In linux the library must be manually installed in order to use SciSDK

Linux Compiling

Pre Requisites

R5560 SDK requires GCC build chain and LibZMQ to be compiled

Install following tools

sudo apt-get install libtool pkg-config build-essential autoconf automake
sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev

Compile and install library

Compile the library and install in

cd linux
autoreconf  -f -i -Wall,no-obsolete
make -j16

Double check that the compilation process do not generate any error and than install simply copy the library /usr/local/lib

sudo cp /usr/local/lib
cd /usr/local/lib
sudo ln -s

Reload Linux library database

sudo ldconfig

If you are root of the machine you can copy the library directly in /usr/lib or /lib