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Arne Beer edited this page Mar 15, 2024 · 9 revisions

Running pueued on a server and wanting to check on the current progress without a login shell is a common scenario.

Pueue supports TLS encrypted communication to a remote and secret based authentication. If that's not safe enough for your use-case, you can always listen on unix-sockets/localhost and do port/unix-socket forwarding via SSH.


  • You have to set read_local_logs config to false in the client config. Otherwise follow and log won't work.
  • You have to use the same secret file for your client and the remote daemon.


  • It's nice to use a separate configuration file for this. The file can be set via the -c flag. You should also consider creating an shell alias for this.
  • If you decide to use SSH port-forwarding, you can create a systemd job whose job is to open the ssh connection and to reconnect, whenever the connection goes away.

Remote via TCP and TLS

Pueue creates a self-signed TLS certificate at startup. This will then be used for any TCP communication.
The client will also use the daemon_cert, to verify the identity of the daemon. Make sure to copy the cert file to your client.

  1. Set use_unix_socket to false.
  2. Set your host and port values on both daemon and client.
  3. Restart/start pueued
  4. Copy the server's daemon.cert to the client machine
  5. Copy the server's shared_secret to the client machine
  6. If you moved those files to non-default locations, update the daemon_cert and shared_secret_path config paths.

The pueue client will only connect to a pueued daemon, which serves the known certificate. That's why your client configuration must point to a copy of your server's daemon.cert.

Forwarding via SSH

Port forwarding

For port this looks like this:

ssh -L $REMOTE_USER@yourhost

You can now connect from your local pueue to the remote pueue via port 6924. Just write pueue -p 6924 status.

Unix Socket forwarding

Unix-socket to unix-socket is of course also possible:

ssh -L /tmp/local.socket:/home/$REMOTE_USER/.local/share/pueue/pueue_$REMOTE_USER.sock $REMOTE_USER@yourhost
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