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Using Multi Part Images

Joshua Miller edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

PixelGraph materials allow you to use a single material to generate multiple published textures. This can be most useful for double-tall blocks like doors and tall-plants; specifically when generating normal/occlusion maps which require the full image. It is also a great way to automatically split CTM textures!

Using the User Interface

New Project Button

Modifying material parts is not currently supported by the UI - see the following section for manual usage.

Manual / Command-Line Usage

Multi-part images can be manually defined by adding a parts list to the material properties file. The following example for iron_door.pbr.yml uses a set of 16x32 textures that are split into two 16x16 textures - iron_door_top and iron_door_bottom.

- name: iron_door_top
  top: 0
  left: 0
  width: 16
  height: 16
- name: iron_door_bottom
  top: 16
  left: 0
  width: 16
  height: 16