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Migrate your V1 addons to V2 addons

# in the root of your addon
npx ember-addon-migrator

This command will move all your addon files into two new locations:

  - plain / normal npm package built with rollup
  - src/
    - your files that were previously in addon/

  - brand new ember app setup with the same ember-try config
    as your addon was configured with
  - tests/
    - your files that were previously in tests/

Additional tweaking may be required after the migrator runs.

Be sure to check out npx ember-addon-migrator --help for a full list of commands and options. (Noting that to see options' help, you'll need to specify the command, e.g.: npx ember-addon-migrator extract-tests --help)

Other Commands

npx ember-addon-migrator extract-tests

This command takes a v1 addon (default to the current directory), and pulls the tests out of it and places them in a new test app.

This is a good thing to do for repos, or projects that are generally low maintenance, or if the project maintainers don't have all the details on v2 addon migration. Additionally! this style of workflow is much easier to review, and is the best way to transfer knowledge about v2 addon conversion!

Example workflow:

  • PR: Convert project to monorepo with single workspace.
    • move all files (except .git, .github) to a "sub-folder"
    • create a root package.json / workspaces file (depending on your package-manager)
    • add the sub-folder to the list of workspaces
  • Optional PR: convert the project to pnpm. npm and yarn(@v1) have a long history in the JS Ecosystem, but they are fundamentally bad at what they were designed to do, and will cause problems in monorepos -- especially as they relate to peerDependencies.
  • PR: Extract the tests from the addon to a separate test-app.
  • PR: Do an in-place conversion of the v1 addon in "sub-folder" to a v2 addon. The default command for ember-addon-migrator will do this for you via --exclude-tests or --in-place (these flags are aliases of each-other)


For troubleshooting, please refer to the guide.

See npx ember-addon-migrator extract-tests --help for parameters' information.


When using --in-place (default true), the v1 addon will be moved to a sub folder and the test app created along side that sub folder. For example:

/packages/ember-stargate/{addon,addon-test-support} (v1 addon)
 => extract-tests --in-place # same as omitting `--in-place` 
 /packages/ember-stargate/package (v1 addon moved to sub directory)
 /packages/ember-stargate/test-app (new app for tests, tests copied over)

/packages/ember-stargate/{addon,addon-test-support} (v1 addon)
 => extract-tests --in-place=false 
 /packages/ember-stargate (v1 addon stays put)
 /packages/test-app (new app for tests, tests copied over)


When the test-app is generated, instead of using the (latest) dependency versions of the app blueprint it will try to use the same versions previously used in the addon.


When the test-app is generated, any dependencies that are part of the default app blueprint which were not used before will be ignored. WARNING: there is a considerable risk that this leaves your dependencies in a broken state, use it only with great caution!

npx ember-addon-migrator reset

Resets the git workspace by running:

git clean -f -d 
git checkout .
rm -rf node_modules

This can be useful for development of the addon-migrator when trying on real projects and wanting to quickly undo work.


  • Node 16+


  • clone the repo
  • cd ember-addon-migrator
  • pnpm
  • cd to your v1 addon for testing
  • run node ../path/to/ember-addon-migrator/bin.js