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NumeriusNegidius edited this page Dec 2, 2018 · 1 revision

Webextensions might require certain permissions from the user to be able to be installed. This page tries to explain why Context Search Origin asks for those permissions.

  • Read and modify bookmarks: All searches are stored in bookmarks. This extension only reads your bookmarks in the "Searches" folder. It does NOT modify or delete bookmarks.

  • Access your data for all websites: To be able to search for link text or images, this extension needs to read the HTML code of your active tab (by using the "content scripts API"). By default, this API requires this permission. However, this extension only reads the code on the active tab. It does NOT modify the contents of any tab or data and it does NOT send any of your website data to second or third parties.

  • Access browser tabs: The aforementioned "content scripts" are not allowed on certain websites or in certain contexts. The extension needs to know which tab URL is loaded to be able to hide the link text and image search feature. This extension does NOT modify the contents of any tab or data and it does NOT send information about your tabs to second or third parties.

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