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Releases: NyanArchive/Sayodevice_Drivers


28 Dec 14:08
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[a missed small driver update, this was uploaded at 2023-09-07 in sayodevice qq group file]
a small software driver update. (v0.14.48)
{previous version is v0.14.42}

Features: new image upload crop tool, fully fixed english translate


22 Sep 14:54
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The keys need to be calibrated after the upgrade.

O3C: How to open bongocat: Press and hold the knob to open the menu, display->main screen->bongocat.
O3C++: The next version supports bongocat. If you want to use it now, please select the second blank option in the display menu.

Button parameters:
Trigger: The position of the first trigger
Release: final release position
RT range: RT is supported within this range
RT trigger: Within the range, and the button is in the released state, it can be triggered again if pressed for more than the set length value.
RT release: within the range, the key can be released if the release exceeds the set length value

When adjusting key parameters, you can press the key to view the current status of the key (trigger, release, RT, etc.).

for more RT information:


22 Sep 14:52
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After updating, you need to press and hold the knob to enter the menu to recalibrate the button
update content:

  1. Increased picture compression, you can put more pictures
  2. Modify the dead zone unit to mm
  3. Optimized the weak magnetic switch
  4. Added the controller axis (need to be turned on in the option byte, modify the key mode to the axis, and reconnect)
  5. Support webpage online upgrade (