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Emilien Lemaire edited this page Apr 24, 2024 · 3 revisions

This page aims to help you install and use the LSP with editors that are not VSCode. For VSCode check this page.


As the studio is developed using opam the easiest way to install it is with opam

You don't know opam

The first thing you want to do is to install and initialize opam:

# install opam
bash -c "sh <(curl -fsSL"

# initialize opam
opam init

Then you'll need a switch with the good version of ocaml to install SuperBOL with.

opam switch create superbol-studio 4.14.1
# you can change the `superbol-studio` by any name you want, just replace it in the following occurences

You can now check the next section (You know opam) to install the SuperBOL LSP on your system.

You know opam

First you must clone the repo and install a dependency:

git clone

cd superbol-studio-oss

opam install drom -y

Then you want to install SuperBOL (assuming the targeted install opam switch is superbol-studio):

drom install --switch superbol-studio -y

Once the command is done running, you can check if everything went well with

opam exec -- superbol-free --version




You can add the SuperBOL LSP to your coc configuration:

  "colors.enable": true,
  "languageserver": {
    "cobol": {
      "command": "opam",
      "args": [ "exec",
	"lsp" ],
	"filetypes": ["cobol"]

Semantic highlighting

If you wish to use semantic highlighting with coc, you must add to the coc configuration:

"semanticTokens.enable": true

and to your vim configuration:

au FileType cobol setlocal syntax=OFF


To work with vim-lsp you should add to your configuration:

if executable('opam')
    au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
        \ 'name': 'superbol',
        \ 'cmd': {server_info->['opam', 'exec', '--switch', 'superbol-studio', '--', 'superbol-free', 'lsp', '--force-syntax-diagnostics']},
        \ 'allowlist': ['cobol'],
        \ })

Semantic highlighting

If you want semantic highlighting to work with vim-lsp you can add to your configuration:

let g:lsp_semantic_enabled = 1
au FileType cobol setlocal syntax=OFF


You must have neovim/nvim-lspconfig installed.

Add these lines to your neovim configuration:

require("lspconfig.configs").cobol = {
  default_config = {
    cmd = {
    filetypes = { "cobol" },
    root_dir = function(startpath)
      return require("lspconfig").util.find_git_ancestor(startpath)
        or require("lspconfig").util.path.dirname(startpath)
    settings = {},

  on_attach = my_attach_function, -- should be the same as your other lsp
  capabilities = my_capabilities, -- should be the same as other lsp


For the cobol mode in emacs, you can check this page