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MatCast committed Apr 30, 2019
2 parents ed119e6 + 37b789d commit 50ce1f2
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Showing 10 changed files with 404 additions and 18 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions docs/whats-new.rst
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ Breaking changes

- Added new ``gridded_attributes`` and ``gridded_mb_attributes`` tasks to
add raster glacier attributes such as slope, aspect, mass-balance...
to the glacier directory (:pull:`725`). This can be useful for statistical
modelling of glacier thickness.
By `Matteo Castellani <>`_.

Bug fixes

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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions oggm/core/
Expand Up @@ -571,12 +571,14 @@ def line_order(line):
return np.max(levels) + 1

def line_inflows(line):
def line_inflows(line, keep=True):
"""Recursive search for all inflows of the given line.
line: a Centerline instance
keep : bool
whether or not the line itself should be kept
Expand All @@ -588,7 +590,10 @@ def line_inflows(line):
out = out.union(line_inflows(l))

out = np.array(list(out))
return list(out[np.argsort([o.order for o in out])])
out = list(out[np.argsort([o.order for o in out])])
if not keep:
return out

def _make_costgrid(mask, ext, z):
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259 changes: 251 additions & 8 deletions oggm/core/
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
from rasterio.merge import merge as merge_tool
except ImportError:
from import merge as merge_tool
from scipy import optimize as optimization
# Locals
from oggm import entity_task
import oggm.cfg as cfg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -853,11 +854,11 @@ def simple_glacier_masks(gdir):

@entity_task(log, writes=['gridded_data'])
def interpolation_masks(gdir):
"""Computes the glacier exterior masks taking ice divides into account.
def gridded_attributes(gdir):
"""Adds attributes to the gridded file, useful for thickness interpolation.
This is useful for distributed ice thickness. The masks are added to the
gridded data file. For convenience we also add a slope mask.
This could be useful for distributed ice thickness models.
The raster data are added to the gridded_data file.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -906,8 +907,12 @@ def interpolation_masks(gdir):
glen_n = cfg.PARAMS['glen_n']
sy, sx = np.gradient(topo_smoothed, dx, dx)
slope = np.arctan(np.sqrt(sy**2 + sx**2))
slope = np.clip(slope, np.deg2rad(cfg.PARAMS['min_slope']*4), np.pi/2.)
slope = 1 / slope**(glen_n / (glen_n+2))
slope_factor = np.clip(slope, np.deg2rad(cfg.PARAMS['min_slope']*4),
slope_factor = 1 / slope_factor**(glen_n / (glen_n+2))

aspect = np.arctan2(-sx, sy)
aspect[aspect < 0] += 2 * np.pi

with ncDataset(grids_file, 'a') as nc:

Expand All @@ -929,25 +934,263 @@ def interpolation_masks(gdir):
v.long_name = 'Glacier ice divides'
v[:] = glacier_ext_intersect

vn = 'slope'
if vn in nc.variables:
v = nc.variables[vn]
v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
v.units = 'rad'
v.long_name = 'Local slope based on smoothed topography'
v[:] = slope

vn = 'aspect'
if vn in nc.variables:
v = nc.variables[vn]
v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
v.units = 'rad'
v.long_name = 'Local aspect based on smoothed topography'
v[:] = aspect

vn = 'slope_factor'
if vn in nc.variables:
v = nc.variables[vn]
v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
v.units = '-'
v.long_name = 'Slope factor as defined in Farinotti et al 2009'
v[:] = slope
v[:] = slope_factor

vn = 'dis_from_border'
if vn in nc.variables:
v = nc.variables[vn]
v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
v.units = 'm'
v.long_name = 'Distance from border'
v.long_name = 'Distance from glacier boundaries'
v[:] = dis_from_border

def _all_inflows(cls, cl):
"""Find all centerlines flowing into the centerline examined.
cls : list
all centerlines of the examined glacier
cline : Centerline
centerline to control
list of strings of centerlines

ixs = [str(cls.index(cl.inflows[i])) for i in range(len(cl.inflows))]
for cl in cl.inflows:
ixs.extend(_all_inflows(cls, cl))
return ixs

def gridded_mb_attributes(gdir):
"""Adds mass-balance related attributes to the gridded data file.
This could be useful for distributed ice thickness models.
The raster data are added to the gridded_data file.
gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory`
where to write the data
from oggm.core.massbalance import LinearMassBalance, ConstantMassBalance
from oggm.core.centerlines import line_inflows

# Get the input data
with ncDataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data')) as nc:
topo_2d = nc.variables['topo_smoothed'][:]
glacier_mask_2d = nc.variables['glacier_mask'][:]
glacier_mask_2d = glacier_mask_2d == 1
catchment_mask_2d = glacier_mask_2d * np.NaN

cls = gdir.read_pickle('centerlines')

# Catchment areas
cis = gdir.read_pickle('geometries')['catchment_indices']
for j, ci in enumerate(cis):
catchment_mask_2d[tuple(ci.T)] = j

# Make everything we need flat
catchment_mask = catchment_mask_2d[glacier_mask_2d].astype(int)
topo = topo_2d[glacier_mask_2d]

# Prepare the distributed mass-balance data
rho = cfg.PARAMS['ice_density']
dx2 = gdir.grid.dx ** 2

# Linear
def to_minimize(ela_h):
mbmod = LinearMassBalance(ela_h[0])
smb = mbmod.get_annual_mb(heights=topo)
return np.sum(smb)**2
ela_h = optimization.minimize(to_minimize, [0.], method='Powell')
mbmod = LinearMassBalance(float(ela_h['x']))
lin_mb_on_z = mbmod.get_annual_mb(heights=topo) * cfg.SEC_IN_YEAR * rho
if not np.isclose(np.sum(lin_mb_on_z), 0, atol=1):
raise RuntimeError('Spec mass-balance should be zero.')

# Normal OGGM (a bit tweaked)
df = gdir.read_json('local_mustar')

def to_minimize(mu_star):
mbmod = ConstantMassBalance(gdir, mu_star=mu_star, bias=0,
smb = mbmod.get_annual_mb(heights=topo)
return np.sum(smb)**2
mu_star = optimization.minimize(to_minimize, [0.], method='Powell')
mbmod = ConstantMassBalance(gdir, mu_star=float(mu_star['x']), bias=0,
oggm_mb_on_z = mbmod.get_annual_mb(heights=topo) * cfg.SEC_IN_YEAR * rho
if not np.isclose(np.sum(oggm_mb_on_z), 0, atol=1):
raise RuntimeError('Spec mass-balance should be zero.')

# Altitude based mass balance
lin_mb_above_z = topo * np.NaN
oggm_mb_above_z = topo * np.NaN
for i, h in enumerate(topo):
lin_mb_above_z[i] = np.sum(lin_mb_on_z[topo >= h]) * dx2
oggm_mb_above_z[i] = np.sum(oggm_mb_on_z[topo >= h]) * dx2

# Hardest part - MB per catchment
catchment_area = topo * np.NaN
lin_mb_above_z_on_catch = topo * np.NaN
oggm_mb_above_z_on_catch = topo * np.NaN

# First, find all inflows indices and min altitude per catchment
inflows = []
lowest_h = []
for i, cl in enumerate(cls):
lowest_h.append(np.min(topo[catchment_mask == i]))
inflows.append([cls.index(l) for l in line_inflows(cl, keep=False)])

for i, (catch_id, h) in enumerate(zip(catchment_mask, topo)):

if h == np.min(topo):
t = 1

# Find the catchment area of the point itself by eliminating points
# below the point altitude. We assume we keep all of them first,
# then remove those we don't want
sel_catchs = inflows[catch_id].copy()
for catch in inflows[catch_id]:
if h >= lowest_h[catch]:
for cc in np.append(inflows[catch], catch):
except ValueError:

# At the very least we need or own catchment

# Then select all the catchment points
sel_points = np.isin(catchment_mask, sel_catchs)

# And keep the ones above our altitude
sel_points = sel_points & (topo >= h)

# Compute
lin_mb_above_z_on_catch[i] = np.sum(lin_mb_on_z[sel_points]) * dx2
oggm_mb_above_z_on_catch[i] = np.sum(oggm_mb_on_z[sel_points]) * dx2
catchment_area[i] = np.sum(sel_points) * dx2

# Make 2D again
def _fill_2d_like(data):
out = topo_2d * np.NaN
out[glacier_mask_2d] = data
return out

catchment_area = _fill_2d_like(catchment_area)
lin_mb_above_z = _fill_2d_like(lin_mb_above_z)
oggm_mb_above_z = _fill_2d_like(oggm_mb_above_z)
lin_mb_above_z_on_catch = _fill_2d_like(lin_mb_above_z_on_catch)
oggm_mb_above_z_on_catch = _fill_2d_like(oggm_mb_above_z_on_catch)

# Save to file
with ncDataset(gdir.get_filepath('gridded_data'), 'a') as nc:

vn = 'catchment_area'
if vn in nc.variables:
v = nc.variables[vn]
v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
v.units = 'm^2'
v.long_name = 'Catchment area above point'
v.description = ('Uses the catchments masks of the flowlines to '
'compute the area above the altitude of the given '
v[:] = catchment_area

vn = 'lin_mb_above_z'
if vn in nc.variables:
v = nc.variables[vn]
v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
v.units = 'kg/year'
v.long_name = 'MB above point from linear MB model, without catchments'
v.description = ('Mass-balance cumulated above the altitude of the'
'point, hence in unit of flux. Note that it is '
'a coarse approximation of the real flux. '
'The mass-balance model is a simple linear function'
'of altitude.')
v[:] = lin_mb_above_z

vn = 'lin_mb_above_z_on_catch'
if vn in nc.variables:
v = nc.variables[vn]
v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
v.units = 'kg/year'
v.long_name = 'MB above point from linear MB model, with catchments'
v.description = ('Mass-balance cumulated above the altitude of the'
'point in a flowline catchment, hence in unit of '
'flux. Note that it is a coarse approximation of the '
'real flux. The mass-balance model is a simple '
'linear function of altitude.')
v[:] = lin_mb_above_z_on_catch

vn = 'oggm_mb_above_z'
if vn in nc.variables:
v = nc.variables[vn]
v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
v.units = 'kg/year'
v.long_name = 'MB above point from OGGM MB model, without catchments'
v.description = ('Mass-balance cumulated above the altitude of the'
'point, hence in unit of flux. Note that it is '
'a coarse approximation of the real flux. '
'The mass-balance model is a calibrated temperature '
'index model like OGGM.')
v[:] = oggm_mb_above_z

vn = 'oggm_mb_above_z_on_catch'
if vn in nc.variables:
v = nc.variables[vn]
v = nc.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('y', 'x', ))
v.units = 'kg/year'
v.long_name = 'MB above point from OGGM MB model, with catchments'
v.description = ('Mass-balance cumulated above the altitude of the'
'point in a flowline catchment, hence in unit of '
'flux. Note that it is a coarse approximation of the '
'real flux. The mass-balance model is a calibrated '
'temperature index model like OGGM.')
v[:] = oggm_mb_above_z_on_catch

def merged_glacier_masks(gdir, geometry):
"""Makes a gridded mask of a merged glacier outlines.
Expand Down
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions oggm/core/
Expand Up @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ def distribute_thickness_per_altitude(gdir, add_slope=True,
with utils.ncDataset(grids_file) as nc:
has_masks = 'glacier_ext_erosion' in nc.variables
if not has_masks:
from oggm.core.gis import interpolation_masks
from oggm.core.gis import gridded_attributes

with utils.ncDataset(grids_file) as nc:
topo_smoothed = nc.variables['topo_smoothed'][:]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -487,6 +487,9 @@ def distribute_thickness_interp(gdir, add_slope=True, smooth_radius=None,
"""Compute a thickness map by interpolating between centerlines and border.
IMPORTANT: this is NOT what has been used for ITMIX. We used
distribute_thickness_per_altitude for ITMIX and global ITMIX.
This is a rather cosmetic task, not relevant for OGGM but for ITMIX.
Expand All @@ -509,8 +512,8 @@ def distribute_thickness_interp(gdir, add_slope=True, smooth_radius=None,
with utils.ncDataset(grids_file) as nc:
has_masks = 'glacier_ext_erosion' in nc.variables
if not has_masks:
from oggm.core.gis import interpolation_masks
from oggm.core.gis import gridded_attributes

with utils.ncDataset(grids_file) as nc:
glacier_mask = nc.variables['glacier_mask'][:]
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions oggm/core/
Expand Up @@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ class ConstantMassBalance(MassBalanceModel):

def __init__(self, gdir, mu_star=None, bias=None,
y0=None, halfsize=15, filename='climate_monthly',
input_filesuffix='', **kwargs):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,7 +474,8 @@ def __init__(self, gdir, mu_star=None, bias=None,
super(ConstantMassBalance, self).__init__()
self.mbmod = PastMassBalance(gdir, mu_star=mu_star, bias=bias,

if y0 is None:
df = gdir.read_json('local_mustar')
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