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Vivo Scramjet


A persistent cache of arbitrary json objects associated with an id, that can be validated against a service and, when valid, examined for changes.

This makes it possible to gather some entities for ingest into a store of some sort - and be able to send only adds, updates or deletes to that store.

** NOTE ** this is in very early development and likely to change substantially. So for the time being, it is here for instructional purposes only, I would not recommend using it with any projects.

General Idea (how it works)

There are two tables, staging and resources

  • staging:


    • id (text - example "per000001")
    • type (text - example "person")

    Those combined are the primary key

    • json (json representation of object)
    • is_valid (if it's been validated)
    • to_delete (if it's passing through as record to delete)

    actions to do:

    • stash -> put stuff in
    • validate -> mark is_valid = (true|false)
    • delete -> stash and to_delete = true
  • resources:

    columns (from staging):

    • id (text - example "per000001")
    • type (text - example "person")

    Those combined are the primary key

    • hash (hash of json data)

    This enables a quick determination of whether record has changed after importing (whether to change updated_at)

    • data (json representation, from staging)
    • data_b (json representation, from staging - but binary for indexing)

    See postgresql documentation about json_b data type

    • created_at (when record created)

    • updated_at (when record last updated)

      NOTE: CONSTRAINT uniq_id_hash UNIQUE (id, type, hash)


    • traject -> move over is_valid from staging (could be updates)
    • list -> all, or actual updates etc...
    • delete -> remove to_delete from staging

Once a record has made it to resources, it is removed from staging

Simplest example

This would be typical usage - bulk importing a type of record. For example - a nightly csv feed, or nightly table dump - that is a full set of records each time

import (
	sj ""


	typeName := "person"

	// 1. typically would start with database list
	dbList := func() []IntakePerson {
		person1 := IntakePerson{Id: "per0000001", Name: "Test1"}
		person2 := IntakePerson{Id: "per0000002", Name: "Test2"}
		return []IntakePerson{person1, person2}

  // 2. then turn into a list of 'Storeable' objects
  listMaker := func(i int) ([]sj.Storeable, error) {
		var people []sj.Storeable
		for _, person := range dbList() {
			pass := sj.MakePacket(person.Id, typeName, person)
			people = append(people, pass)
		return people, nil

  // 3. create a validator function that validates json representation
  alwaysOkay := func(json string) bool { return true }

  // 4. then construct configs for intake, trajectory (moving from staging to resources)
  //    and finding deletes (records in resources no longer valid)
	intake := sj.IntakeConfig{TypeName: typeName, Count: 2, ChunkSize: 1, ListMaker: listMaker}
	move := sj.TrajectConfig{TypeName: typeName, Validator: alwaysOkay}

	// 5. this would typically be database call for all ids of 'type'
	//     comparing against resources ids of that 'type'
	ids := func() ([]string, error) {
		var ids []string
		for _, person := range dbList() {
			ids = append(ids, person.Id)
		return ids, nil
	outake := sj.OutakeConfig{TypeName: typeName, ListMaker: ids}

	// 6. main function does all 3 actions on data in one sequence
	err := sj.Scramjet(intake, move, outake)


Other common use cases

A service to gives updates only

  ... // per example above
	intake := sj.IntakeConfig{TypeName: typeName, Count: 2, ChunkSize: 1, ListMaker: listMaker}
	move := sj.TrajectConfig{TypeName: typeName, Validator: alwaysOkay}

  // except no 'outtake' (defered until later - since those are not part of this import)
	err := sj.ScramjetIntake(intake, move)
  // then later delete
  outake := sj.OutakeConfig{TypeName: typeName, ListMaker: ids}

	err = sj.ScramjetOutake(outake)

One record at a time (for example save/delete triggers)

  // much same as above but must add a filter to the 'traject' config
  // NOTE: can simplify intake if chunking is not necessary
  intake := sj.IntakeConfig{TypeName: typeName, ListMaker: listMaker}

  // for instance if database save/update person, id = per0000001
  filter := sj.Filter{Field: "id", Value: "per0000001", Compare: sj.Eq}
  move := sj.TrajectConfig{TypeName: typeName, Validator: alwaysOkay, Filter: &filter}

  // this will only process based on the filter
	err := sj.ScramjetIntake(intake, move)

  // to delete, for instance database delete person, id = per0000001
  stub := MakeStub("per0000001", "person")
  err = sj.RemoveRecords(stub)


  // can also delete a group of stubs... e.g.
  var deletes []sj.Stub
  deletes = append(deletes, MakeStub("per0000001", "person"))
  deletes = append(deletes, MakeStub("per0000002", "person"))

  err = sj.RemoveRecords(deletes...)

A group of records per person


  // same as above (single), but filter is different
  filter := sj.Filter{Field: "id", Value: "per0000001", Compare: sj.Eq}

	move := sj.TrajectConfig{TypeName: typeName, Validator: alwaysOkay, Filter: &filter}

Controlling each stage of import

It's also possible to do any of those stages individually, if that is more useful

  • Staging Table
import (
	sj ""

	typeName := "person"
  // 1) add data
	person1 := TestPerson{Id: "per0000001", Name: "Test1"}
	person2 := TestPerson{Id: "per0000002", Name: "Test2"}
	// must use anything of interface 'Storeable'
	pass1 := sj.Packet{Id: sj.Identifier{Id: person1.Id, Type: typeName}, Obj: person1}
  // there is a also a MakePacket wrapper
	pass2 := sj.MakePacket(person2.Id, typeName, person2)

	people := []sj.Storeable{pass1, pass2}
	err := sj.BulkAddStaging(people...)

  // 2) run through a 'validator' function - would likely
  //    be a json schema validator
	alwaysOkay := func(json string) bool { return true }
	valid, rejects, err := sj.FilterTypeStaging("person", alwaysOkay)

  // 3) can mark them yourself if you want
  err = sj.BatchMarkValidInStaging(valid)
  err = sj.BatchMarkInValidInStaging(rejects)

  // 3) Now the valid ones are marked and ready to go into
  //    'resource' table

  • Resources Table
import (
	sj ""


	typeName := "person"
	list, err := sj.RetrieveValidStaging(typeName)
	err = sj.BulkMoveStagingTypeToResources(typeName, list...)


Example moving entire 'type' as bulk, in incremental steps

  import (
	  sj ""

	typeName := "person"
  // see above - gather data however it can be gathered
  err := sj.StashStaging(people...)
  // own validator function ...
	alwaysOkay := func(json string) bool { return true }
	valid, rejects, err := sj.FilterTypeStaging("person", alwaysOkay)

  err = sj.BatchMarkValidInStaging(valid)
  err = sj.BatchMarkInValidInStaging(rejects)
  list, err := sj.RetrieveValidStaging(typeName)
	err = sj.BulkMoveStagingTypeToResources(typeName, list...)

Example moving by id (single items)

  import (
	  sj ""

	typeName := "person"
  // see above - grab single record however necessary
  // and stash in staging table, could just be one
	err := sj.StashStaging(person)
  // just need basic 'id' to grab to validate
  //identifier := sj.Identifier{Id: id, Type: typeName}
	//stub := sj.Stub{Id: identifier}
  stub := sj.MakeStub(id, typeName)
  // validate however you want
	alwaysOkay := func(json string) bool { return true }
	err = sj.ProcessSingleStaging(stub, alwaysOkay)

  // move it over
  staging, err := sj.RetrieveSingleStagingValid(id, typeName)
	err = sj.BulkMoveStagingTypeToResources(typeName, staging)

Example moving by query (for instance per person)

  import (
	  sj ""

	typeName := "person"
  // see above - get records of person and stash in staging table
	err := sj.StashStaging(people...)
  // make a validator
	alwaysOkay := func(json string) bool { return true }
	// make a filter - fairly crude on field matcher at this point
  filter := sj.Filter{Field: "externalId", Value: "x200", Compare: sj.Eq}
	// 2. but only get one out
	valid, rejects, err = sj.FilterTypeStagingByQuery(typeName, filter, alwaysOkay)
	err = sj.BatchMarkValidInStaging(valid)
	// move over to resources, based on same filter
  list2, err := sj.RetrieveValidStagingFiltered(typeName, filter)
	err = sj.BulkMoveStagingTypeToResources(typeName, list2...)

Basic structure

image of basic structure


image of tables


Golang utility library for copying json data into other systems







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