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ONLYOFFICE Docs-example for Kubernetes

Release Chart on S3 repo

This repository contains a set of files to deploy ONLYOFFICE Docs-example into a Kubernetes cluster.


  • To install, you need a kubernetes cluster, for installation, read the instructions
  • You will need kubectl installed, you can read the instructions at this link.
  • You will also need Helm v3. For installation, read the instructions

Installing dependencies

1. Add Helm repositories

To install databases nfs server and docs-example you need to add repositories:

$ helm repo add onlyoffice
$ helm repo add bitnami
$ helm repo add ingress-nginx
$ helm repo add stable
$ helm repo update

2. Install Persistent Storage

$ helm install nfs-server stable/nfs-server-provisioner \
  --set persistence.enabled=true \
  --set persistence.storageClass=PERSISTENT_STORAGE_CLASS \
  --set persistence.size=PERSISTENT_SIZE
  • PERSISTENT_STORAGE_CLASS is a Persistent Storage Class available in your Kubernetes cluster.

    Persistent Storage Classes for different providers:

    • Amazon EKS: gp2
    • Digital Ocean: do-block-storage
    • IBM Cloud: Default ibmc-file-bronze. More storage classes
    • Yandex Cloud: yc-network-hdd or yc-network-ssd. More details
    • minikube: standard
  • PERSISTENT_SIZE is the total size of all Persistent Storages for the nfs Persistent Storage Class. You can express the size as a plain integer with one of these suffixes: T, G, M, Ti, Gi, Mi. For example: 9Gi.

See more details about installing NFS Server Provisioner via Helm here. Please note, installing an NFS server on bare metal kubernetes cluster requires a pre-created pv.

Configure a Persistent Volume Claim

Note: The default nfs Persistent Volume Claim is 8Gi. You can change it in the values.yaml file in the persistence.storageClass and persistence.size section. It should be less than PERSISTENT_SIZE at least by about 5%. It's recommended to use 8Gi or more for persistent storage for every 100 active users of ONLYOFFICE Docs.

3. Deploy ONLYOFFICE Docs-example

To deploy Docs-example with the release name docs-example:

$ helm install docs-example onlyoffice/docs-example --set example.dsUrl=http://<ip>/

The command deploys docs-example on the Kubernetes cluster with the URL configuration of your ONLYOFFICE Docs

4. Uninstall ONLYOFFICE Docs-example

To uninstall/delete the docs-example deployment:

$ helm delete docs-example

5. Avalivable parameters

Below are the options available for configuration before deploying docs-example to a cluster:

persistence.storageClass storage class name by default: nfs

persistence.size storage volume size by default: 8Gi

example.dsUrl Specifies the address of your ONLYOFFICE Docs, default: http://onlyoffice-docs-address/

example.replicas docs-example replicas quantity by default: 1

example.containerImage example container image name by default: onlyoffice/docs-example:latest

example.imagePullPolicy example container image pull policy by default: IfNotPresent

example.resources.requests.memory memory request by default: 128Mi

example.resources.requests.cpu cpu request by default: 100m

example.resources.limits.memory memory limit by default: 128Mi

example.resources.limits.cpu cpu limit by defalut: 250m

jwt.enabled jwt enabling parameter by default: true

jwt.secret jwt secret by default: MYSECRET

jwt.header Defines the http header that will be used to send the JSON Web Token by default: Authorization

jwt.inBody Specifies the enabling the token validation in the request body to the ONLYOFFICE Docs by default: false

jwt.existingSecret The name of an existing secret containing variables for jwt. If not specified, a secret named example.jwt will be created

service.type docs-example service type by default: ClusterIP

service.port docs-example service port by default: 3000

ingress.enabled installation of ingress service by defaule: false Ingress hostname for the docs-example ingress by default: ""

ingress.ssl.enabled installation ssl for ingress service by default: false

ingress.ssl.secret secret name for ssl by default: tls

securityContext.enabled Enable security context for the pods by default: false

securityContext.example.runAsUser Set example containers' Security Context runAsUser by default :1001

securityContext.example.runAsGroup Set example containers' Security Context runAsGroup by default:1001

6 Expose Docs-example

By default, the docs-example is published local using default serviceType: ClusterIP to deploy external use the command

$ helm install docs-example onlyoffice/docs-example --set example.dsUrl=http://<ip>/ --set service.type=LoadBalancer

6.1 Expose Docs-example via Ingress

To install the Nginx Ingress Controller to your cluster, run the following command:

$ helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --set controller.publishService.enabled=true,controller.replicaCount=2

See more detail about installing Nginx Ingress via Helm here.


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