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Technical troubleshooting

Jeff Schwartz edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 10 revisions


This page is for documenting technical solutions or tips to technical issues related to, databases, CircleCI, CMS, etc.

Table of Contents

Restaging application updates frequently updates the programming language buildpacks available to customers. Buildpack updates include programming language updates and often include security fixes. will send an email notification when applications need to be restaged with the subject line of "Action required: restage your application".

A rolling restage operation is the quickest way to upgrade without incurring downtime. You may still want to leverage your deployment infrastructure to perform the upgrade if you have compliance requirements for redeployment operations.

You can restage your applications by opening the command line and entering the following commands:

cf target -o doi-onrr -s dev ; cf restage --strategy rolling dev-nrrd

cf target -o doi-onrr -s dev ; cf restage --strategy rolling dev-blog-nrrd

cf target -o doi-onrr -s dev ; cf restage --strategy rolling preview-data

cf target -o doi-onrr -s dev ; cf restage --strategy rolling dev-onrr-frontend

cf target -o doi-onrr -s dev ; cf restage --strategy rolling dev-onrr-cms

cf target -o doi-onrr -s dev ; cf restage --strategy rolling preview-onrr-frontend

Service account passwords

The service account service creates unique credentials for each service key. Service account passwords expire every 90 days. If you see an error like:

Error Code: 403 Raw Response: {"error":"access_denied","error_description":"Your current password has expired. Please reset your password."}

Then you’ll need to delete the existing service key, recreate it, and update the username/password in your deployment scripts. For example:

cf delete-service-key my-service-account my-service-key

cf create-service-key my-service-account my-service-key

cf service-key my-service-account my-service-key

The last command will return the service account username/password pair. These steps can be used at any time to update/rotate credentials for service accounts.

It is desirable to have a single service account with access to multiple spaces. After creating a service key in the prod space, allow the same service key to access dev with the following command:

cf set-space-role <service key username> doi-onrr dev SpaceDeveloper

Hasura password access

The username and password for Hasura instances are stored in environment variables vi cf cli. To retrieve the Hasura credentials for the hasura-sandbox app, for example, take the following steps:

  1. Target the dev space: cf target -s dev
  2. Display environment variables: cf env hasura-sandbox
  3. See HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET under the User-provided section of the output.

Updating CMS

Follow the instructions below in Circle Ci to trigger the CMS to update, this will need to be done with a new plugin or feature is added to the CMS.

  1. In CircleCIi, select the dev branch and click on trigger pipeline
  2. Click add parameters
  3. Select "boolean" for Parameter Type, in the "Name" write the command "run_cms_updates", for value select "True"

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Circleci Pipeline Failures

It can be very helpful and may be necessary to ssh to the circleci instance where a build pipeline failure occurs. Follow the guidance provided by circleci here and GitHub here to learn how to debug pipeline issues over ssh.

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