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A combined repository for unifying approach to running RAS and RM in Docker

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A combined repository for unifying approach to running RAS and RM in Docker


  1. Create a docker hub account
  2. Ask to become a team member of sdcplatform
  3. Run docker login in a terminal and use your docker hub account
  4. Run docker network create rasrmdockerdev_default to create the docker network
  5. Have at least 16GiB of memory allocated to Docker


Based on python 3.6

Use Pyenv to manage installed Python versions

Pipenv is required locally for running setup scripts

pip install -U pipenv


make up

make up


There are 3 docker-compose files in this repository:

  • dev.yml - spins up the core development containers such as postgres, rabbit and sftp
  • ras-services.yml - spins up the python services such as party and collection-instrument
  • rm-services.yml - spins up the Java and Go services such as survery service and action service

These can be run together as per the Quickstart section or individually. Additionally individual services can be specified at the end of the command. For example:

docker-compose -f dev.yml -f ras-services.yml up -d

This will spin up the development containers and the ras-services.

docker-compose -f rm-services.yml up -d collection-exercise

This will spin up just the collection exercise service.


Running in docker with local changes

Development using this repo can be done by doing the following:

  1. Make changes to whichever repository. In this example we'll suppose you're changing the response-operations-ui repository.
  2. Stop the service with docker-compose -f ras-services.yml stop response-operations-ui
  3. Delete the stopped container with docker-compose -f ras-services.yml rm response-operations-ui
  4. Rebuild the image and tag it as the latest to 'trick' the build into thinking we already have the latest and don't need to pull down the image from dockerhub.
    1. Python repo - docker build . -t sdcplatform/response-operations-ui:latest
    2. Java repo - mvn clean install will automatically rebuild the docker image
  5. Finally, start the service again with docker-compose -f ras-services.yml up -d response-operations-ui

Running natively with local changes

  1. Stop all the services make down
  2. Make changes to whichever repository. In this example we'll suppose you're changing the response-operations-ui repository.
  3. Update .env so that any services that speak to the service(s) running locally has the host configured as docker.for.mac.localhost. e.g. PARTY_HOST=docker.for.mac.localhost
  4. Finally, start the services excluding the service(s) you are running locally
  5. Run the service(s) locally

Running Python services mounted as a volume (allows hot-reloading)

  1. Bring up all the services make up
  2. Make sure that the environment variable RAS_HOME has been set, and points to the root of your RAS project folders e.g. ras-frontstage would be found at $RAS_HOME/ras-frontstage
  3. Run make local to run all the Python services, or docker-compose -f ras-local.yml up -d name-of-service to run a single service

pgAdmin 4

  1. Start all the services make up
  2. Navigate to localhost:80 in your browser
  3. Login with / secret
  4. Object -> Create -> Server...
  5. Give it a suitable name then in the connection tab:
    1. postgres for the host name
    2. 5432 for the port
    3. postgres for the maintenance database
    4. postgres for the username
  6. Click save to close the dialog and connect to the postgres docker container


Not logged in

Pulling iac (sdcplatform/iacsvc:latest)...
ERROR: pull access denied for sdcplatform/iacsvc, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
make: *** [pull] Error 1
  1. Create a docker hub account
  2. Ask to become a team member of sdcplatformras
  3. Run docker login in a terminal and use your docker hub account

Database already running

  • sm-postgres container not working? Check there isn't a local postgres running on your system as it uses port 5432 and won't start if another service is running on this port.

Port already bound to

ERROR: for collection-instrument  Cannot start service collection-instrument: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint collection-instrument (7c6ad787c9d57028a44848719d8d705b14e1f82ea2f393ada80e5f7e476c50b1): Error starting userland pStarting secure-message ... done

ERROR: for collection-instrument  Cannot start service collection-instrument: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint collection-instrument (7c6ad787c9d57028a44848719d8d705b14e1f82ea2f393ada80e5f7e476c50b1): Error starting userland proxy: Bind for failed: port is already allocated
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
make: *** [up] Error 1
  • Kill the process hogging that port by running lsof -n -i:8002|awk 'FNR == 2 { print $2 }'|xargs kill where 8002 is the port you are trying to bind to

Docker network

ERROR: Network rasrmdockerdev_default declared as external, but could not be found. Please create the network manually using `docker network create rasrmdockerdev_default` and try again.
make: *** [up] Error 1
  • Run docker network create rasrmdockerdev_default to create the docker network.

Unexpected behavior

  1. Stop docker containers make down
  2. Remove containers docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
  3. Delete images docker rmi $(docker images -qa)
  4. Pull and run containers make up

Service not up?

Some services aren't resilient to the database not being up before the service has started. Rerun make up

Services running sluggishly?

When ras/rm is all running it takes a lot of memory. Click on the docker icon in the top bar of your Mac, then click on 'preferences', then go to the 'advanced' tab. The default memory allocated to Docker is 2gb. Bumping that up to 8gb and the number of cores to 4 should make the service run much smoother. Note: These aren't hard and fast numbers, this is just what worked for people.


A default user (uaa_user/password) is added automatically to the UAA and this user can be used to sign into response-operations-ui


A combined repository for unifying approach to running RAS and RM in Docker






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