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Cheat sheet for Power Apps Portal liquid

Liquid Objects

Entity reference object

Object that represents lookup (entity reference)

Attribute Description
id The guid of the referenced entity as a string
logical_name The dataverse logical name of the entity
name The primary name attribute of the referenced entity

Option Set Value (or Dataverse Choise)

Object that represents option set/ picklist/ choise column.

Attribute Description
label The localized label of the option set
value The integer value of the option set


Object that represents note (annotation) record. Extend entity object.

Attribute Description
documentbody File body of the note as base64 encoded string. Not loaded with rest of the attribute and only available ondemand ie by direct call. May slow down rendering of the page
url Url path to the built-in annotation handler for the portal. If user has permission and note has attached file, request to this url will download the note file attachment


Allows to load dataverse entity by ID. If the entity exists entity object will be returned. If not found will return null

Attribute Description
id The guid if the entity
logical_name The dataverse logical name of the entity
notes Returns array of notes (as notes objects) associated with the entity, ordered from oldest to newest by createon field
You can access any attribute or relationship of the Dataverse entity by it's logical name.


Refers to the current page. Combines the attributes from sitemap and entity type records. Extends entity object.

Attribute Description
breadcrumbs Returns an array of site map nodes from root page to parent of the current page
url The URL of the page
title The title of the page
parent Returns the parent site map node of the current page
adx_entityform Lookup to an entity form associated with the current page
adx_entitylist Lookup to an entity list associated wtih the current page


Refers to the current portal user. Provides access to the underlying contact record and some additional attributes. If user is not signed in will return null. Extends entity object.

Attribute Description
roles Returns an array of roles associated with current user
parentcustomerid Lookup to the parent contact or parent account of the current record


Provides information about the current HTTP request

Attribute Description
params Named parameter values for the current request. It is a combintaion of a URL query, string parameters, form post parameters and cookies. For example: to access id parameter that was passed as part of query you need to call request.params['id']
path Path to the current request URL. For example /profile/
path_and_query The path and query to the current request URL. For example /profile/?id=test&number=5
query The query part of the current request URL. For example ?id=test&number=5
url Full url of the cyrrent request. For example https://<portal_url>/profile/?id=test&number=5


Allows to load content snippets by name. If snippet not found will return null.

{{snippets['My Awesome Snippet']}}


Allows to load site marker by name. If not found will return null. Extends entity object.

Attribute Description
url The url of the site marker target page

Liquid Tags


Allows users to query data from Dataverse and render the results in a page using fetchxml query syntax. Learn more about fetchxml here.

{% fetchxml contactFeed %}
<fetch version"1.0" mapping="logical">
  <entity name="contact">
    <attribute name="fullname">
    <attribute name="emailaddress1">
    <attribute name="parentcustomerid">
{% endfetchxml %}

{% for result in contactFeed.results.entities %}
// do something with results
{% endfor %}

Result attribute contains couple of useful attributes

Attribute Description
entities Result of fetchxml query
entityname Logical name of the entity
extensiondata Gets the structure that contains extra data.
MinActiveRowVersion Gets the lowest active row version value.
MoreRecords Gets whether there are more records available.
PagingCookie Gets the current paging information
TotalRecordCount Gets the total number of records in the collection.
ReturnTotalRecordCount was true when the query was executed.
TotalRecordCountLimitExceeded Gets whether the results of the query exceeds the total record count




Cheat sheet for Power Apps Portal liquid






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