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act: for closing
act: for closing
it can be closed but an additional confirmation is needed
act: for implementation
act: for implementation
it can be implemented and closed, all is clear
act: for internal discussion
act: for internal discussion
it needs to be discussed within the team
act: for WG discussion
act: for WG discussion
it needs to be discussed within the Working Group
aux: alignment
aux: alignment
alignment between ESPD, eForms and ePO
aux: bdti
aux: bdti
it is related to the BDTI project
aux: mapping
aux: mapping
it is related to the TED-SWS mappings project
aux: ppds
aux: ppds
it is related to the PPDS project
aux: 4.1.0-rc.2
aux: 4.1.0-rc.2
errors found in 4.1.0-rc.2 tag
module: contracts registry
module: contracts registry
module: eAccess
module: eAccess
module: eCatalogue
module: eCatalogue
module: eContract
module: eContract
module: eEvaluation
module: eEvaluation
module: eFulfilment
module: eFulfilment
module: eInvoice
module: eInvoice
module: eNotice
module: eNotice
module: eOrder
module: eOrder
module: ePO core
module: ePO core
ePO core
module: eSubmission
module: eSubmission
module: none
module: none
no module in particular because the issue is of technical or documentation nature
type: bug
type: bug
something implemented incorrectly in a release
type: feature request
type: feature request
something requested to be implemented in a future release
type: question
type: question
something needs clarified, refined or decided
type: use case
type: use case
Use Case (User story)