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149 lines (114 loc) · 9.6 KB

Step by step guide:

Installing without any previous setup (Fresh install):

  • If you don't have an userscript extension like ViolentMonkey (FF/Ya) / (Cr) or TamperMonkey (FF) / (Cr) or GreaseMonkey (FF) , install one.
    ViolentMonkey is recommended for being open and very stable. TamperMonkey is more complex but also good.
  • Install 4chanX.user.js if you don't already have it into the userscript extension
  • Install frensync.user.js which includes Namesync functionality into the userscript extension
  • Continue with adding the AdBlock exception and set it up by checking the persona checkbox and enter your name.

Installing with previous Namesync:

  • Backup your persona
  • No uBlock or Adblock rule update required
  • Disable every NS script OR extension that ran earlier and check that only one 4chanX is active
  • Install frensync.user.js into the userscript extension of your choice

Recommended: AdBlock exception

... since the domains got flagged on some list.
To get the original Namesync working with Adblockers like uBlock, add this one time to your My Filter ruleset:

! 4chan-X exception for embeds and preview images
@@||^*$csp=default-src 'self' * data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'
@@||^*$csp=default-src 'self' * data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'
! NS exception 
! TFF-K exception

This includes the exceptions for 4chanX and TripFagFinder.

Optional steps:

  • install PersonaPlus to switch between multible names / tripcodes
  • install OneeChan (works, tested by BCBoi)
  • install TripfagFinder-K (the abandoned original one is here: TFF) to find threads with namefags
  • For mobile: For lightweight mobile support, check out CuteSync which doesn't rely on 4chanX
  • get a tripcode with your name which makes stealing your name harder. Meriken's Tripcode Engine is currently the best.

Head to 4chan and set 4chanX up and Namesync/Frensync with your persona (settings:in the top right) and have fun.

Setting it up

To set a name, open 4chan and open the FS settings in the top right: grafik

Then check the Persona box, enter a name, optionally an email/subject/color and relaod the page: image

And if everything works, the name appears in the thread and the counter in the server status in the settings goes up. If everything works perfect, all three servers increment by one. If not, double check the adblock / ublock settings in this guide in the optional steps.

Currently no support for:

The standalone browser extension (FF) (Cr)
or iOS Webhub (user script extension).
Use the original NS or CuteSync for that.


Which fields are which

Since 4chan /b/ is no longer in forced anon mode, the native fields (QuickReply box) work again with some limits. There are two sets of fields: The native and 4chanX ones as well as the ones in the FS settings.

The QR fields are only sent to 4chan. Names work but no tripcodes. The email field works and "sage" & "fortune" have a function here. And the subject is shown when creating a new thread.

The fields in the FS settings (or NS, CuteSync) are running on top of that, are not sent to 4chan (and therefore have no special function like sage or fortune). The name field in FS had support for tripcodes, the email can be a fully written link, the subject always works and theres name color.

What is a tripcode?

TLDR: A way around not using an account. Instead of a user&pass you only have a password/tripcode and the server displays the hash of it.
Basically the output of an hash / one way math function so scammy people have a harder time inpersonating you. After your name add a # followed by some secret 10 characters. These will not be displayed but will generate a different text/hash. It is difficult to get your secret 10 characters from that output and hinders people just writing your name into their fields.
For better visibility / fun that generated output can partly have some letters of your choice in it. See Meriken's Tripcode Engine

Special options documentation


There is a way to bypass some browser extensions if you have issues with them. With it checked the sync will go through the extension itself and not over the webpage which is more reliable but harder to debug. Leave it off when not needed, turn on for a while when nothing comes through and it might be some adblocker.


With it on, there will be some messages on the javascript console.

Custom Script

With it on, you'll see another name option after reloading. The custom script field will be evaluated when posting. It has the parameters color_amount, color_hue, name, email and subject in the array called params It requires you to return it back after modifying the contents. That way arbitary names (like post number) and color shifts are possible. Example: return params; does nothing or params[1]=40+2;return params; changes the hue to 42 of 360. Errors are posted to the log and theres a toast.

Debugging problems:

Sync works only to one server

Check your adblock / ublock settings and filters.
Make sure you have the upper exceptions in your ruleset.
Try checking the GM_API XHR checkbox, reload and see if it works.
Then leave it unchecked and reload for further debugging.

There is an NS and FS in the corner OR there are multible NS running.

You have multible instances running. Remove every Namesync or Frensync userscript AND check your extensions. Then verify its gone and install frensync.user.js once

No sync to one or all servers, the console (F12) shows "... has been blocked permanently by the user"

This is a Tampermonkey security feature and at some point you blocked a request by clicking "block".
This error results that certain servers are unreachable.
Check the XHR security tab in the script settings. There should be all just * and nothing blocked.

I'm getting an error popup from "Windows Script Host" throwing an "Microsoft JScript compilation error"

Don't download the .js file. Get an userscript extension first and then click on the frensync.js to install it in the extension.

The extension throws an error: localstorage get failed / localstorage access denied / ns-error-file-corrupted / NS_ERROR_FAILURE

When pressing F12 there is NS_ERROR_FAILURE all over in the console. That means that the extension can't access its own settings to store the name and checkboxes. This is due to an corrupted browser profile which crashes some api calls from the extension. Either run checkdisk/chkdsk on the drive or delete the broken profile. You also might want to keep an eye on that drive as it might be broken soon. A quick fix is Settings -> Privacy -> Delete cookies and website data

Things don't work / Kittens are dying

If the extension doesn't work as intended, first check this:

  • Only one user script extension (like tampermonkey) is running and working
  • In TamperMonkey Script->Settings->XHR Security where should be just * and nothing is blocked.
  • 4chanX is running and working
  • There is one FS in the corner, nothing else and its the newest version
  • The server status in the control panel shows green ticks, no red cross
  • 4chan isn't doing weird things (like sesional things or trolling mods)
  • Your settings are correct like the screenshot up in the setup
  • Wait 5 minutes, reload and try again posting

If all is fine and you want to help, continue here:

You can open up the dev tools by pressing F12 and look into the Console

When opening the FS settings, you can see a fraction of each server response in the console. When sending a post there should be no error popping up in the console. Or atleast none from frensync or 4chanX (right side of the error message).

If theres frensync.js or 4chanX.js popping up as an error, i screwed up something. Posting this screenshot to the issues (or the thread) would help a lot. Please include the browser + version and user script extension as well for reproducing the error. A known bug is when OP has a name and theres no post, the background color chack fails gently.

Pressing F12 closes the dev tools again.