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Create local development environments for each NPM project on your filesystem.


There are two different avenues.

  1. Just use your own shell script in each project.
  npm install -g botch

then use this in .bash_profile/.bashrc:

export botch_shell_file_name="";

What this means: when you open a terminal, botch will attempt to source
a shell script named, from the present working directory.

  1. To use botch default behavior for a project. This is recommended.

Simply install it to every project you want to use it with.

  npm install -D botch

What this means: Botch will do the same thing as above, if the $botch_shell_file_name env is set. But it will also pick up the ./node_modules/botch/ file and run that for your project. Primarily this modifies the $PATH to include the executables in ./node_modules/.bin. This gives your local NPM executables precendece, since it prepends ./node_modules/.bin to $PATH.

Regardless of which method you use, make sure you add this to your .bash_profile/.bashrc files:

. "$HOME/.botch/"      # always source this file
. "$HOME/.botch/"  # source this if you want to invoke botch when changing directories

The shell scripts will be available regardless of whether you install locally or globally.
Just source them.