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OOD Dashboard

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This app is a Rails app for Open OnDemand that serves as a gateway to launching other Open OnDemand apps. It is meant to be run as the user (and on behalf of the user) using the app. Thus, at an HPC center if I log into OnDemand using the efranz account, this app should run as efranz. This Rails app doesn't use a database.

New Install

  1. Start in the build directory for all sys apps, clone and check out the latest version of the dashboard app (make sure the app directory's name is dashboard):

    scl enable git29 -- git clone dashboard
    cd dashboard
    scl enable git29 -- git checkout tags/v1.31.0
  2. Install the app for a production environment:

    RAILS_ENV=production scl enable rh-git29 rh-nodejs6 rh-ruby24 -- bin/setup

    this will setup a default Open OnDemand install.

  3. Copy the built app directory to the deployment directory, and start the server. i.e.:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/www/ood/apps/sys/dashboard
    sudo cp -r . /var/www/ood/apps/sys/dashboard

Updating to a New Stable Version

  1. Navigate to the app's build directory and check out the latest version:

    cd dashboard # cd to build directory
    scl enable git29 -- git fetch
    scl enable git29 -- git checkout tags/v1.31.0
  2. Update the app for a production environment:

    RAILS_ENV=production scl enable rh-git29 rh-nodejs6 rh-ruby24 -- bin/setup
  3. Copy the built app directory to the deployment directory:

    sudo rsync -rlptv --delete . /var/www/ood/apps/sys/dashboard

iHPC App Development

See the OnDemand documentation site:


See the wiki page

Message Of The Day

See the wiki page

Site-wide announcement

See the wiki page

Safari Warning

We currently display an alert message at the top of the Dashboard mentioning that we don't currently support the Safari browser. This is because of an issue in Safari where it fails to connect to websockets if the Apache proxy uses Basic Auth for user authentication (on by default for new OOD installations).

If you ever change the authentication mechanism to a cookie-based mechanism (e.g., Shibboleth or OpenID Connect), then it is recommended you disable this alert message in the dashboard.

You can do this by modifying the .env.local file as such:

# .env.local

# ... all of your other settings ...

# Set this to disable Safari + Basic Auth warning

Disk Quota Warnings

We currently support displaying warnings to users on the Dashboard if their disk quota is nearing its limit. This requires an auto-updated (it is recommended to update this file every 5 minutes with a cronjob) JSON file that lists all user quotas. The JSON schema for version 1 is given as:

  "version": 1,
  "timestamp": 1525361263,
  "quotas": [

Where version defines the version of the JSON schema used, timestamp defines when this file was generated, and quotas is a list of quota objects (see below).

You can configure the Dashboard to use this JSON file (or files) by setting the environment variable OOD_QUOTA_PATH as a colon-delimited list of all JSON file paths.

The default threshold for displaying the warning is at 95% (0.95), but this can be changed with the environment variable OOD_QUOTA_THRESHOLD.

An example is given as:

# /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env


Individual User Quota

If the quota is defined as a user quota, then it applies to only disk resources used by the user alone. This is the default type of quota object and is given in the following format:

  "path": "/path/to/volume1",
  "user": "user1",
  "total_block_usage": 1000,
  "block_limit": 2000,
  "total_file_usage": 5,
  "file_limit": 10

Warning: A block must be equal to 1 KB for proper conversions.

Individual Fileset Quota

If the quota is defined as a fileset quota, then it applies to all disk resources used underneath a given volume. This requires the object to be repeated for each user that uses disk resources under this given volume. The format is given as:

  "type": "fileset",
  "user": "user1",
  "path": "/path/to/volume2",
  "block_usage": 500,
  "total_block_usage": 1000,
  "block_limit": 2000,
  "file_usage": 1,
  "total_file_usage": 5,
  "file_limit": 10

Where block_usage and file_usage are the disk resource usages attributed to the specified user only.

Note: For each user with resources under this fileset, the above object will be repeated with just user, block_usage, and file_usage changing.

Warning: A block must be equal to 1 KB for proper conversions.

Balance Warnings

We currently support displaying warnings to users on the Dashboard if their balance is nearing its limit. This requires an auto-updated (it is recommended to update this file every day with a cronjob) JSON file that lists all user balances. The JSON schema for version 1 is given as:

  "version": 1,
  "timestamp": 1525361263,
  "config": {
    "unit": "RU",
    "project_type": "project"
  "balances": [

Where version defines the version of the JSON schema used, timestamp defines when this file was generated, and balances is a list of balance objects (see below).

The value for config.unit defines the type of units for balances and config.project_type would be project, account, or group, etc. Both values are used in locales and can be any string value.

You can configure the Dashboard to use this JSON file (or files) by setting the environment variable OOD_BALANCE_PATH as a colon-delimited list of all JSON file paths.

The default threshold for displaying the warning is at 0, but this can be changed with the environment variable OOD_BALANCE_THRESHOLD.

An example is given as:

# /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env


User Balance

If the balance is defined as a user quota, then it applies to only that user. Omit the project key:

  "user": "user1",
  "value": 10

Project Balance

If the balance is defined as a project balance, then it applies to a project/account/group, whatever is defined for config.project_type:

  "user": "user1",
  "project": "project1",
  "value": 10



You can launch iHPC sessions using a rake task. See the wiki page


Updating noVNC

To update noVNC you need to first download and unzip the latest stable Node.js. You can find the latest downloads here:

For our demonstration purposes I will use Node.js v6.11.1:

# Go to my home directory
cd ${HOME}

# Get latest stable node.js

# Unzip it
tar xf node-v6.11.1-linux-x64.tar.xz

Next we download and build noVNC:

# Go to my home directory
cd ${HOME}

# Download the commit of noVNC we are interested in

# Unzip it

# Go into the noVNC directory
cd noVNC-edb7879927c18dd2aaf3b86c99df69ba4fbb0eab/

# Install the dependency packages
PATH=${HOME}/node-v6.11.1-linux-x64/bin:$PATH npm install

# Build the noVNC libraries
PATH=${HOME}/node-v6.11.1-linux-x64/bin:$PATH utils/use_require.js --as commonjs --with-app

Now we copy the build to our Dashboard code under the public/ root with an appropriately named directory (typically a shortened-form of the SHA commit):

cp -r build ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/ood-dashboard/public/noVNC-edb7879

Finally we need to update the Dashboard code to use this new version of noVNC. We edit this file under the Dashboard code:


And modify BatchConnect::SessionsHelper#novnc_link with the new version.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.