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akeym edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 17 revisions

(Note: Every step is important. Don't skip one unless it's marked optional or you know why you're skipping it.)

Per-machine setup

  • Install dependencies:
    • Linux packages:

      • the CPython C headers and development libraries
      • the MySQL C headers and development libraries
      • gcc
      • bind v9 (the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon)
      • pip (the Python package manager)
      • a few other packages (FIXME)

      On Fedora:

sudo yum install python-devel openldap-devel cyrus-sasl-devel openssl-devel python-pip community-mysql sudo yum install community-mysql-devel community-mysql-server MySQL-python gcc rubygems bind sudo systemctl start mysqld ```

    On Debian:


sudo apt-get install python-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libssl-dev rubygems libmysqlclient-dev python-pip sudo service mysqld start ```

- Ruby gems (***FIXME: this should go in a Gemfile***):
    - `sass` (***FIXME: pin version***)

    With the `gem` program installed:


sudo gem install sass ```

  • Install Cyder (see "Per-instance setup" below).

  • Read the Maintain migration docs. The easiest setup is to use the maintain database on and a local maintain_sb database (shared among all Cyder instances on your machine). Set OTHER_DATABASES['maintain'] and OTHER_DATABASES['maintain_sb'] appropriately.

  • Run the following command in the instance you just installed to copy and sanitize data from Maintain's database into maintain_sb:

./ maintain_migrate -q ```

Per-instance setup

  • Clone the repo:

git clone '' cd cyder ```

  • (optional but recommended) Set up a virtualenv:

virtualenv .env ```

Do `source .env/bin/activate` now and every time you run your shell.
  • Install submodules and other dependencies:

git submodule update --init --recursive pip install -r requirements/dev.txt ```

  • Configure Cyder:

cp cyder/settings/ cyder/settings/ sed -i "s|SASS_BIN = '[^']*'|SASS_BIN = 'which sass'|" cyder/settings/ ```

Then set the `OTHER_DATABASES` settings appropriately. See [the Maintain migration docs]( for details.
  • Enter Cyder database settings into cyder/settings/ in DATABASES['default']. (You don't need to create the database in this step.)

  • Run bin/ to create the database and load initial data.

  • Run ./ maintain_migrate -t to migrate data from maintain_sb to Cyder.

  • Copy the files dns-header and dns-footer from Maintain to your machine and pass the file names to ./ tiny_migrate $header $footer.

  • (optional) Install a PEP8 linter as a git pre-commit hook:

pip install git+git:// cp requirements/.pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit ```