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Basic trajectory planning using moveIt! to simulate door opening motion using a Kinova Arm (Jaco 2 - 7 DOF) in Gazebo.

User Guide for Kinova Jaco2 7DOF Arm

Creating Workspace

To avoid running into build error issues, I recommend creating a dedicated workspace for all kinova packages. Run the following commands in your terminal to create a new catkin workspace:

  1. Source your environment
$ source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash 

replace melodic with your ros distro

  1. Create and build workspace
$ mkdir -p ~/kinova_ws/src 
$ cd ~/kinova_ws/ 
$ catkin_make 
  1. Source the setup file in the workspace
$ cd ~/kinova_ws/ 
$ source devel/setup.bash 

Installing Packages

  1. Install MoveIt package from the terminal using the following:
sudo apt-get install moveit* 
  1. Git clone the kinova-ros package in the src folder of your workspace and catkin_make using the following commands:
$ cd ~/kinova_ws/src $ git clone kinova-ros 
$ cd ~/kinova_ws $ catkin_make 

Now your system is ready to run kinova-ros package. You can spawn the Kinova arm in Gazebo and visualize the arm in rviz using ROS.

**3. Our next goal is to Fix the Grasping issue using graspit-pkg. You can find the installation guide for graspit-pkg at Follow only Step 1 and Step 2. No need to clone jaco-arm-pkgs

In addition, install joint-control-pkgs, general-message-pkgs and gazebo-pkgs

cd ~/kinova_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ~/kinova_ws

Install the graspit-pkg and its dependencies in the kinova-ros workspace that you have build.

The xacro file for Grasp Fix Plugin is included in our commit.

  1. Create a new package called kinova_scripts inside the kinova-ros folder using the following commands:
$ cd ~/kinova_ws/src/kinova-ros/ 
$ catkin_create_pkg kinova_scripts std_msgs rospy roscpp 
$ cd ~/kinova_ws 
$ catkin_make 
  1. Next step is to clone our repository

  2. Merge the files in the correct folder structure of the kinova-ros package.

For convenience, we have made sure to commit the files in required folder structure.

Running the setup

  1. Launching the Kinova Arm in a terminal window.
roslaunch kinova_gazebo robot_launch.launch kinova_robotType:=j2s7s300
  1. Launch moveIt configurations in a seperate terminal window.
roslaunch j2s7s300_moveit_config j2s7s300_gazebo_demo.launch
  1. Spawn the door in a seperate terminal window.
roslaunch kinova_description door_spawn.launch
  1. Navigate to the kinova_scripts directory and run the using:
$ cd kinova_ws/src/kinova-ros/kinova_scripts/src/ 
$ ./

Description of script

The simple door model is considered. Door Handle waypoints are calculated on the circular path that a door is bound to follow. Following with the motion planning is done using the RRT* algorithm.

Sample Demo Link

A sample demo is available at: The motion is not very smooth yet.