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build dependencies


Systems rebooting, database dumping, used to be called SecureCoding, now given to juniors, and finally completely rewritten.

This is an opensource core; it excludes administrative controls.


  • Lots of challenges
  • References to modern pop culture

Getting Started

Method 1:Jar Version
Download the latest the Mimosa release here. Place mimosa in a directory of your preference before running the following commands in a terminal.

user@mimosa:~$ java -jar mimosa-core-<version>.jar -g sql
Package(s) created!
user@mimosa:~$ java -jar mimosa-core-<version>.jar -g properties
Package(s) created!

This will generate two packages, a mimosa-dump.sql database dump to run in a MySQL server of your choice, and an file that you can use to configure your Mimosa settings and database configuration settings(spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password setting attribute in file).

Once configuration is complete, you can start Mimosa by running the following command: java -jar mimosa-core.jar

Access the web application by typing the url http://localhost in your preferred browser.

Afterwards, you can simply register an account, selecting the first class and your account will be auto approved.

Login with your newly created account and try out Mimosa.


user@mimosa:~$ java -jar mimosa-core.jar
  _ __ ___  _ _ __ ___   ___  ___  __ _
 | '_ ` _ \| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __|/ _` |
 | | | | | | | | | | | | (_) \__ \ (_| |
 |_| |_| |_|_|_| |_| |_|\___/|___/\__,_|

 :: Spring Boot (v2.6.1) ::
 :: App Version (v3.3.1) ::

2022-05-20 17:26:37.947  INFO 18316 --- [           main] securecoding.Applicat...


  • MySQL Server 8.x+
  • Java JRE 17.x+
  • NodeJS 14.x+

Method 2:Docker File Ver (No need to install MySQL, Java and Node JS in machine)

Download the latest Mimosa Docker release here.

Ensure you have docker and docker compose installed in your machine.

Run "docker compose up" in folder you unzip the files containing the yaml file.

The mimosa docker image will be downloaded to your hard disk and the docker images will be setup accordingly.

Access the web application by typing the url http://localhostL8080 in your preferred browser.

Afterwards, you can simply register an account, selecting the first class and your account will be auto approved.

Login with your newly created account and try out Mimosa.



If you like to contribute to the challenge creation, please view the video tutorial at

We welcome contributors who have new ideas and wish to contribute to Mimosa.