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Wolfgang Ortmann edited this page Jun 9, 2016 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the kind wiki! kind is a tool to organize backups. It is inspired and follows the same principles as dirvish.


kind is not dirvish

A backup server running kind creates images (snapshots) of directory trees on different hosts (clients) on a regular basis. Each image is a complete copy, but unchanged files are shared between different images as hardlink.

Basic tool for this is rsync, which must be installed on the server and the clients. rsync may be used via ssh or as server (daemon).

For an automated backup via ssh the server must have ssh access to the clients without password (using public key authentication).

If the client runs rsync as server it must be configured to allow the backup server to read the modules to backup.

Windows clients can be backed up using DeltaCopy as rsync server on Windows.


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