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mtbeek32 edited this page Mar 23, 2023 · 33 revisions

BAG Toolkit

The BAG Toolkit is used to model with the BAG. The current version of the toolkit works with the BAG 2.0 format.

The BAG is a rich dataset which can be used in many applications, but its exchange format (xml/gml) is not very convenient for calculations and selections.

With the BAG Toolkit you can make the data available in a suitable format for modelling, calculate snapshots, derive entities/attributes and use the BAG addresses for geocoding.

The following extra attributes are or can be calculated:

The snapshot process also generates an address table, with RD-coordinates.


The BAG Toolkit consists of three tools:

  1. BAG20 Xml2FSS -> To make the BAG available in a format suitable for modelling.
  2. BAG20 MakeSnapshot -> To make a snapshot of the BAG at a specific date.
  3. GeoCode -> To geocode addresses with meta information on how the results are derived. This tool we developed with the Spinlab department of the VU.


  • The toolkits also contains a script called: BAG20_ReadAndProcessSnaphot.dms, as an example on how to read the results of a snapshot and process it for different applications. This configuration is documented here.
  • In the /bat subfolder the RunMultipleMakeSnapshots.bat shows an example how to make a set of snapshots for different dates with a batch file.


  • GeoDMS version 8.8.1 or later
  • Internal ram: 16 GB or more (as the BAG is a large dataset)
  • Hard disk space: 40 GB or more
  • Access rights to your LocalDataDir (default: C:\LocalData) and SourceDataDir (default: C:\SourceData). If not adjust these placeholders with the GeoDMS GUI: menu option > Tools > Options > Advanced tab.
  • For height information in snapshot, download the PHN and unzip it in your %SourceDataDir%/PHN folder. PHN stands for: Pand Hoogte Nederland, based on the AHN4.


The BAG Toolkit is available under GNU-GPL version 3 license.


The BAG Toolkit scrips can be downloaded here. Activate the green Code tool, use the url to make a GIT clone or just download the code as zip file and unzip this file in a project folder like: D:\prj\BAGTools.

see also