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Public Testnet 1

Closed Nov 29, 2022 100% complete

Athena Public Testnet 1

With tutorials for solo and group flows having been developed and refined. The goal for public testnet 1 is to get distributed validators into the hands of the wider Proto Community for the first time.

This testnet would be intended to include the Distributed Validator Launchpad.

The core focus of this testnet is the onboarding exp…

Athena Public Testnet 1

With tutorials for solo and group flows having been developed and refined. The goal for public testnet 1 is to get distributed validators into the hands of the wider Proto Community for the first time.

This testnet would be intended to include the Distributed Validator Launchpad.

The core focus of this testnet is the onboarding experience. This is the first time we would need to provide comprehensive instructions for as many platforms (Unix, Mac, Windows) in as many languages as possible (need to engage language moderators on discord).

The core output from this testnet is a large number of typeform submissions, for a feedback form we have refined since devnets 1 and 2.

This will be an unincentivised testnet, and will form as the basis for us figuring out a sybil resistance mechanism for later incentivised testnets.

Participants: Obol Proto Community

State: Bare Minimum

Network: Kiln or a Merged Test Network (e.g. Görli)

Target start date: June 2022

Duration: 2 week setup, 4 weeks operation


  • Engage Obol Proto Community
  • Make deploying Ethereum validator nodes accessible
  • Generate a huge backlog of bugs, feature requests, platform requests and integration requests

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.