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Prodigi Print Shop SDK

Prodigi offers white label print on demand portals so you can sell to your users under your brand.

This SDK is compatible with the Prodigi Print on Demand Shop. Get your own branded instance at Prodigi Apps Dashboard.

With the Print Shop SDK, you can integrate your print shop app into your own site, launching it with pre-configured data, such as images, at run-time.

Table of Contents

Demo and examples

For a list of common use-cases and a demo sandbox visit:


Install using NPM:

npm install @kite-tech/web-app-sdk


Import the package:

import { KiteWebAppSdk } from '@kite-tech/web-app-sdk';

Launch your shop using the launchFromJSON function and pass in your desired configuration:

const printShopConfig = {
    baseUrl: ''



Property Type Required Description
baseUrl string YES The complete URL of your shop
config ConfigObject NO Specify additional properties for launch
checkoutUserFields CheckoutUserFieldsObject NO User details to populate on checkout
collectorImages CollectorImagesArray NO Images passed in to your shop that can be applied to different products


Property Type Required Description
startInNewTab boolean NO Opens your shop in a new tab/window. Default is false
customer_id string NO Custom identifier associated to your user


Property Type Required Description
recipient_first_name: string,
recipient_last_name: string,
address_line_1: string,
address_line_2: string,
city: string,
county_state: string,
postcode: string,
country: string,
NO User shipping address to populate on checkout. All values are optional
customerEmail string NO Sets the user's email address when they reach the checkout
termsOfService boolean NO Sets whether to automatically agree to terms of service on checkout


An array of objects having the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
width: number,
height: number
YES The dimensions of the image URL specified
id string YES Unique ID for the image
isUploadComplete boolean YES Specify whether the image upload is complete
thumbnailUrl string YES Lower resolution image URL, used for rendering previews in the browser
url string YES Full resolution image URL, used for printing