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[ACL 2024] RA-ISF: Learning to Answer and Understand from Retrieval Augmentation via Iterative Self-Feedback.

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RA-ISF: Learning to Answer and Understand from Retrieval Augmentation via Iterative Self-Feedback

This is the official repository of the paper: RA-ISF: Learning to Answer and Understand from Retrieval Augmentation via Iterative Self-Feedback.

Framework of RA-ISF.

🎯Installation Enviorment

Update your environment for the required dependency.

conda create --name raisf python=3.8 -y
conda activate raisf
pip install -r requirement.txt

📍Generate Sub-modules

Our approach involves training three sub-modules, each addressing self-awareness, article relevance, and problem decomposition respectively.

📍Collect datasets for Self-Knowledge

We provide a number of data to ask LLMs, using Openai API to generate final result. For incorrect result, we mark as "unknow". For correct one, we mark as "know", the data format are formulated as:

{"question": "{question}", "answer": "know"}
{"question": "{question}", "answer": "unknow"}

📁Collect datasets for Passage-Relevance

We provide a series of question-passage pairs and prompt the LLM to assess the relevance of the articles. Relevant content is labeled as "relevance," while irrelevant content is labeled as "irrelevance." the data format are formulated as:

{"question": "{question} + {passage}", "answer": "relevance"}
{"question": "{question} + {passage}", "answer": "irrelevance"}

🛠️Collect datasets for Task-Decomposition

We provided a series of questions and asked LLMs to generate sub-questions for the corresponding questions. Meanwhile, some datasets have already provided decompositions of sub-questions, and we have incorporated this correspondence into the training data. the data format are formulated as:

{"question": "{question}", "answer": "{"query": ["sub_q1", "sub_q2"]}"}

🔹Training Llama2-7b Sub-modules

For Llama2 model, we adopt Efficient-Tuning-LLMs repo for training. For more details, refer to source/model/llama2

cd source/model/llama2

We train the submodel utilizing the following scripts.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 torchrun --nproc_per_node=1 \
    --model_name_or_path {input_file_path} \
    --data_path {data_path}  \
    --output_dir {output_file_path} \
    --num_train_epochs 3 \
    --per_device_train_batch_size 4 \
    --per_device_eval_batch_size 4 \
    --gradient_accumulation_steps 8 \
    --evaluation_strategy "no" \
    --save_strategy "steps" \
    --save_steps 500 \
    --save_total_limit 5 \
    --learning_rate 2e-5 \
    --weight_decay 0. \
    --warmup_ratio 0.03 \
    --lr_scheduler_type "cosine" \
    --logging_steps 1 \
    --deepspeed "scripts/ds_config/ds_config_zero3_auto.json"

🔹Training Flan-T5-Large(780M) Sub-modules

When we utilize Flan-T5 as submodels, leveraging the three datasets we've collected, we train using the following script:

cd source/model/flan-t5
python  --epochs {epochs} \
    --dropout {dropout}
    --pretrained_ckpt "google/flan-t5-large" \
    --peft_method "sft"

Remember to change your dataset_id on

Setting Retriever

We use Contriever to retrieve documents.

Download data

Download the preprocessed passage data and the generated passaged (Contriever-MSMARCO).

mkdir data/retrieval_wiki
cd data/retrieval_wiki

💐Processing Retrieval Augmented Iterative Self-Feedback

Modify the datapath ,engineand model_path in and to match your actual paths of the used datasets. Refer to these file for more config details.

For base model on Llama2-13b:

python --engine "llama2-13b" \  
      --base_model_path {base_model_path} \
      --self_knowledge_model_path {self_knowledge_model_path} \
      --passage_relevance_model_path {passage_relevance_model_path} \
      --task_decomposition_model_path {task_decomposition_model_path} \
      --data_path {data_path} \
      --max_length {max_length} \
      --n_docs {Number of documents to retrieve per questions} \
      --model_name_or_path {contriever_model_path} \
      --passages_embedding "wikipedia_embeddings/*" \

For base model on gpt3.5:

python --engine "gpt-3.5" \
      --api_key {your_api_key} \
      --self_knowledge_model_path {self_knowledge_model_path} \
      --passage_relevance_model_path {passage_relevance_model_path} \
      --task_decomposition_model_path {task_decomposition_model_path} \
      --data_path {data_path} \
      --max_length {max_length} \
      --n_docs {Number of documents to retrieve per questions} \
      --model_name_or_path {contriever_model_path} \
      --passages_embedding "wikipedia_embeddings/*" \

📊Evaluation results

Overall Evaluation on RA-ISF
Overall Evaluation on RA-ISF.

Results showed that our method achieved SOTA on four out of five datasets, with an average improvement of +1.9 compared to the best-performing method.

🛠️Update logs

[24/05/17] 🔥 We are happy to announce that RA-ISF has been accepted to ACL Findings 2024!

[24/03/24] 🔥 We have released the version 1.0.1 for gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct base model.

[24/03/21] 🔥 We have released the version 1.0.0 for llama2_13b base model.


If you use this codebase, or RA-ISF inspires your work, we would greatly appreciate it if you could star the repository and cite it using the following BibTeX entry:

  title={RA-ISF: Learning to Answer and Understand from Retrieval Augmentation via Iterative Self-Feedback},
  author={Liu, Yanming and Peng, Xinyue and Zhang, Xuhong and Liu, Weihao and Yin, Jianwei and Cao, Jiannan and Du, Tianyu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.06840},


[ACL 2024] RA-ISF: Learning to Answer and Understand from Retrieval Augmentation via Iterative Self-Feedback.






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