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keip (Kubernetes Enterprise Integration Patterns)

operator webhook minimal-app

keip is a Kubernetes operator that simplifies the deployment of Spring Integration routes on Kubernetes clusters. This operator makes it easy to manage integration flows, enhancing scalability and resilience through Kubernetes.

Key Features

  • Kubernetes Native: Fully integrates with Kubernetes, using custom resources to manage Spring Integration routes.
  • Ease of Use: Allows the definition and deployment of complex integration patterns with simple Kubernetes manifests.
  • Flexibility: Supports a range of configurations to cater to different integration requirements.
  • Dynamic Route Definition: Define and deploy Spring Integration routes at runtime without the need to compile code, enabling greater flexibility and faster iterations.

Getting Started


  • Kubernetes cluster (v1.24+ recommended)
  • kubectl installed and configured to interact with your cluster
  • The Make utility for building and deploying the operator


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone && cd keip
  2. Deploy the keip operator:

    cd operator && make all
  3. The make all target creates the keip and metacontroller namespaces and deploys the Metacontroller and IntegrationRoute webhook (lambda controller) pods.

    Verify those two are running:

kubectl -n keip get po
NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
integrationroute-webhook-6644b989d5-r6htn   1/1     Running   0          2m30s

kubectl -n metacontroller get po

NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
metacontroller-0                            1/1     Running   0          2m31s

Customizing Your keip Container

Note: If this is your first time through this installation process, it may be helpful to return to this step later. This is generally needed for all but the simplest deployments, but it isn't necessary if you're just familiarizing yourself with the installation process.

The default keip container provides only the basic components for Spring Integration. To fully utilize the potential of your integration routes, you will need to include additional Spring Integration components or your own Java code. See for instructions on how to create a custom container.

Once your new container is available, you'll need to set that name in the keip-controller-props ConfigMap. We'll need to change the value for the integration-image key to set it to whatever the name of your custom keip container is.

kubectl edit configmap -n keip keip-controller-props

Once the ConfigMap is updated, you'll need to delete the integrationroute-webhook container. Note that the single-line command below requires that you have the jq utility installed.

kubectl delete pod `kubectl get pods -n keip -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select( | startswith("integrationroute-webhook-")) |'`

Deploying a Spring Integration Route

The keip operator requires a Spring Integration route defined in XML. This XML should be stored in a ConfigMap that the IntegrationRoute custom resource will reference.

  1. Create a ConfigMap with your XML configuration:

    kubectl create configmap testroute-xml --from-file=path/to/your/route.xml
  2. Define your IntegrationRoute using the created ConfigMap:

kind: IntegrationRoute
  name: testroute
  routeConfigMap: testroute-xml
    - name: testroute-props
    # Can also select ConfigMaps using labels:
    # - labels:
    #     group: abc
    - testroute-secret
  1. Apply the IntegrationRoute to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f your-route.yaml

Clean up

To remove the keip operator and all related resources from your cluster:

cd operator && make clean


We welcome contributions! Please see our contributing guidelines for more details.


For assistance or to report issues, please open an issue in the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.