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Nicholas Blumhardt edited this page May 14, 2014 · 1 revision

Building the library site

You'll need Node.js installed on your system. If you don't have them already, install Bower and gulp.js.

npm install gulp -g
npm install bower -g

Then, from the root of the repository, restore the build-time and run-time dependencies:

npm install

To build the site:


This will output:

  • build/ - a debuggable version of the site
  • dist/ - a minified, hash-rev'd build of the same

As you work locally you probably want to have your changes built automatically; since some parts of the site can't be served from the filesystem (a .swf component currently) you will also want to host the site in a local webserver.


gulp watch

Then open http://localhost:4000 to enjoy this convenience.

Clone this wiki locally