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Octopus Deploy Grafana Datasource

This repo holds the source code to the Octopus Deploy Grafana datasource plugin.

The plugin connects to the reporting endpoint at http://octopuserver/api/reporting/deployments/xml and converts the results to a time series that can be displayed in graphs, or as a table to be displayed in a grafana table.

Other entities such as environments, projects, tenants etc. are also exposed as tables.

This plugin requires Grafana 7 or later.



This plugin is released as an early access. We expect it has bugs and gaps in functionality, and is only recommended for testing.

If you have found an issue or have a suggestion, please reach out to our support teams.


The plugin can be downloaded from the GitHub Releases page.

This ZIP file is then extracted into the Grafana plugin directory (which is usually INSTALL_DIR\data\plugins or /var/lib/grafana/plugins):

unzip -d YOUR_PLUGIN_DIR/octopus

See the Grafana documentation for more details.


This plugin is unsigned, meaning the plugin must be listed in the GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS environment variable (e.g GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS=octopus-deploy-xmlfeed) or the allow_loading_unsigned_plugins option in grafana.ini must list octopus-deploy-xmlfeed e.g.:

allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = octopus-deploy-xmlfeed

See the Grafana documentation for more details.

Octopus Permissions

The account used to query Octopus requires the following permissions in the spaces that Grafana will report on:

  • DeploymentView
  • EnvironmentView
  • TenantView
  • ProcessView
  • ProjectView
  • ReleaseView


The following tools are required to build the plugin:

Build the plugin with:

yarn build
mage -v

Proxy support

The backend plugin respects the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables. The go documentation describes the format of these variables.

HTTPS proxies with custom certificates must embed the CA cert to work correctly.

The Dockerfile below demonstrates how to add a custom certificate:

FROM octopussamples/grafana

USER root
COPY octo.domain.local.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
RUN update-ca-certificates

Create the Docker container with the command:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -e HTTPS_PROXY="https://octo.domain.local:443" --name=grafana --add-host=octo.domain.local: grafana_cert

GitHub Actions

This project is built and published via GitHub Actions.


The plugin can be run with the Grafana Docker image with the command:

docker run -e "GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS=octopus-deploy-xmlfeed" -d -p 3000:3000 -v "$(pwd):/var/lib/grafana/plugins" --name=grafana grafana/grafana:7.0.0

A docker image with the plugin already installed and the GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS setting configured can be found in Docker Hub, and run with the command:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name=grafana octopussamples/grafana:latest

Sample Dashboard

A sample dashboard displaying data returned by this plugin can be found on the Grafana Dashboard Gallery.



Calling the Octopus API endpoints like /api/reporting/deployments/xml can be expensive, especially if there are many deployments to return and the Grafana date range is quite large.

The plugin will cache results from /api/reporting/deployments/xml to improve performace. The first request will return all the results, but subsequent requests will only query Octopus for results before and after those that were cached. So a Grafana dashboard set to refresh every 5 minutes will result in queries to Octopus for the last 5 minutes worth of data.

The datasource also exposes a field to define a cache duration. This applies to entities like projects, environments, channels etc. The cache duration can be left blank, in which case all these entities are requested from Octopus every time. Setting a duration can improve performance where many people are viewing the same dashboard, as only the first request will require an API call to Octopus, and others will share the same result.


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