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How to install Windows

Darkzy edited this page May 13, 2020 · 7 revisions

How to install - Windows-based

This document should help you install the whole DRP-Framework inside a Windows-based environment. For this tutorial, I am using a local Windows 10 Home distribution.



We will assume the following:

You are using an admin account. You already have installed a fresh FiveM FXServer without any other scripts (for the moment).

1. Install XAMPP

You can use any other AMP (such as MAMP) software or even install MySQL and PHPmyAdmin by yourself. But to ease the process we will use XAMPP.

Download the files

Go to From the website choose the file you want (choose the Windows distribution, for me, it was version 7.4.3), and download it. Go to your download folder, and launch the xampp installer. During the installation, you will be asked if you need a few other programs, you only need Apache, MySQL, PHP and PHPmyAdmin. Do not forget to clear the Learn more about Bitnami for XAMPP option

Start and Configure XAMPP

Normally the Control Panel should have pop in front of you, in the Modules section, you will find all the web services available. You can start each service by clicking the Start button. After launching the services, you should be able to access the XAMPP dashboard via the following link (if using a VPS just change the localhost with whatever is your IP address):


/!\ Important if you are using a VPS

If your server is on a VPS and you try to access the PHPmyAdmin, a webpage should appear and tell you that you cannot access the server because it is only available on the Localhost, you can easily fix that: Go to the following folder C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra and open the file http-xampp.conf. There change the following:

# since XAMPP 1.4.3
<LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:security))">
    AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit
    Require local
    ErrorDocument 403 /error/XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var


# since XAMPP 1.4.3
<LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:security))">
    AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all
    Require all granted
    # If you only want to allow some connexion you can use Deny from all and Allow from TheIpAdressYouWantToAllow
    ErrorDocument 403 /error/XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var
Restart XAMPP.

Change default security settings ~ RECOMMENDED

Configure it with the "XAMPP Shell" (command prompt). Open the shell from the XAMPP control pane and execute this command:

mysqladmin.exe -u root password YOURNEWPASSWORD

Full FAQ for XAMPP

Install DRP-Framework

1. Install DRP-Core scripts

Get the scripts

With FVM

fvm install --save --folder=DRP OfficialDarkzy/DRP-Core

With Git

cd resources
git clone [DRP]



  • Import the core.sql to your database, either by using the import function from PHPmyAdmin or any other Database Tool of your choice.
  • Change your server.cfg accordingly with all the resources you added in the previous step.

2. Install DRP-ID scripts

Get the scripts

With FVM

fvm install --save --folder=DRP OfficialDarkzy/DRP-ID

With Git

cd resources
git clone [DRP]



  • Import all the table from the different resources (the .sql files) to your database, either by using the import function from PHPmyAdmin or any other Database Tool of your choice.
  • Change your server.cfg accordingly with all the resources you added in the previous step. It should now look like this:


3. DatabaseAPI and externalSQL configuration

Open the following file, with either nano or with your FTP and any NotePad app, the config.json in externalSQL folder. Change the info inside following those instructions:


  • host, keep it as "localhost"
  • port, is the port the ExternalSQL will use to talk to your database, it needs an unused one (so not 3306 which is the one used by default by MySQL/MariaDB)
  • route, is where the API folder is located, do not touch it unless you like boo-boo
  • secret, is used to encrypt the talk between ExternalSQL and the Database, it needs to be changed to a random string
  • community, is the name of your community

  • connectionLimit, is how much-simultaned connections are authorised, do not change it unless you know what you do
  • host, is where the database is, so do not change it unless it is not on the same server

/!\ If using ZAP-hosting you need to put the name of the server (go to Databases under Tools in the navigation panel), it should look like that

  • port, is the port used by MySQL (3306 by default)
  • user, is the user used for the connexion to MySQL/MariaDB (ndlr the one you created) if you have not made a new one keep root

/!\ If using ZAP-hosting you need to put the user given by ZAP (go to Databases under Tools in the navigation panel), it should look like that zapXXXXXX-X

  • password, is the password of the previous user, only add one if you have a password on with this specific user

/!\ If using ZAP-hosting you need to put the password given by ZAP (go to Databases under Tools in the navigation panel)

  • database, is the name of the database where your data is, be sure it is the right name!

/!\ If using ZAP-hosting you need to put the database name given by ZAP (go to Databases under Tools in the navigation panel), it should look like that zapXXXXXX-X

Do not change those unless you know what you are doing

  • devmodeactive, if the developer mode needs to be activated
  • createtokenonstart, if a token needs to be created

config.json example

	"api": {
		"host": "localhost",
		"port": 2000,
		"route": "/external/api",
		"secret": "drpsecret",
		"community": "DRP"
	"database": {
		"connectionLimit": 100,
		"host": "localhost",
		"port": 3306,
		"user": "root",
		"password": "",
		"database": "drp"
	"devmodeactive": false,
	"createtokenonstart": true

4. Start your server

Start normally your server

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