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oAuth2-sample Build Status

This project is a oAuth2 POC, consists of all 3 oAuth parties: the authentication server, a resource server, and a client app. Each party is represented by its own WAR.

23-02-2016: Spring Versions Updated

On 23-02-2016, Spring versions were updated:

  • Spring: 4.2.4.RELEASE
  • Spring Security: 4.0.3.RELEASE
  • Spring Security oAuth: 2.0.9.RELEASE

02-2020: Spring Versions Updated

On 02-2020, Spring versions were updated:

  • Spring: 5.2.3.RELEASE
  • Spring Security: 5.2.2.RELEASE
  • Spring Security oAuth: 2.0.16.RELEASE

Spring security 5: PasswordEncoder

Mechanism of password encoder was changed in Spring-Security 5. I had to adjust configuration.

Spring security and Session Fixation Protection

After successful login I hit NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.changeSessionId(). It happens because Spring's session-fixation-protection calls (see stack below) to servlet API to 3.1's HttpServletRequest.changeSessionId. One option is to upgrade to servlet API to 3.1, but then I will have to upgrade to tomcat-8 ( Thus the components should be deployed on tomcat-8. More simple solution is to disable the session-fixation-protection for this demo.



Trying to migrate tomcat7-maven-plugin to tomcat8-maven-plugin is another story.

How to Run 1: Deploy all components on the same Tomcat

  • Deploy all 3 WARs on a servlet container, e.g. Tomcat.
  • Browse http://localhost:8080/oauth2-client/hello. The client needs a login by itself: admin/admin (Spring Security expects your client web-app to have its own credentials).
  • client app tries to call the resource-server url http://localhost:8080/oauth2-resource-server/welcome
  • This will redirect to oauth2.0 authentication server. Login to authentication-server, currently it is from mem: it can be configured to read from a DB.
  • client should access the resource server using the access-token, and print a message.
  • NOTE that you will have to change the ports' configurations to 8080 in oauth2-client/.../

How to Run 2: tomcat7-maven-plugin

from command line, use the following command:

mvn clean tomcat7:run

each component is configured to use a different port:

  • resource-server on port 8094,

  • auth-server 8091,

  • client 8092.

  • Browse http://localhost:8092/oauth2-client/hello. The client needs a login by itself: admin/admin (Spring Security expects your client web-app to have its own credentials).

  • client app tries to call the resource-server url http://localhost:8094/oauth2-resource-server/welcome

  • This will redirect to oauth2.0 authentication server. Login to authentication-server, for simplicity it is in-mem:

  • client should access the resource server using the access-token, and print a message.

How to Run 3: debug from eclipse

Since each component is configured to use a different port (see above), it is easy to run all 3 components from eclipse. Below is the configuration (note the 3 configs):


for more info, See this README:

Project Components

JAR: auth-common

common code for authentication. You can find it also in this project, and also it is available in Maven repository:


Note the version - make sure you use the latest.

KeyStore things to know:

  1. a keystore may be created, both for SSL and for signing the tokens. If, for simplicity, the user wants to skip fighting keystore, he should set the flag com.ohadr.oauth2.token.cryptoEnabled=false
  2. its alias and password should be updated in the prop file as well as in the tomcat's server.xml
  3. algorithm should be DSA (because in the access-token signature my code expects it to be "SHA1withDSA"
  4. if you want to work with "localhost", you should make the name "localhost":

creating a token using Java's keytool: keytool.exe -genkeypair -alias -keypass -keyalg DSA -keystore -storepass -storetype JCEKS -v

Java Encryption:

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
SecretKeySpec secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey); String encryptedString = Base64.encodeBase64String(cipher.doFinal(strToEncrypt.getBytes())); return encryptedString;,


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