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Rest api written with Asp.Net Core for an unsplash clone


Create the database splash in postgres and set UserId and Password environment variables for the database credentials.

Set KeyId, AppKey and BucketId environment variables for Backblaze credentials.

Set MailUser, MailPassword and optionally MailHost and MailPort for environment variables for mail config.

Set AzureBlobKey which is the access key for azure storage account and ContainerName which is the name of the container you will use to store the files


git clone
cd Vue.Splash-API/Vue.Splash-API
# Set the env vars before
# export X=xxx or dotnet user-secrets set "Key" "Value"
dotnet ef database update
dotnet run

You can also try the frontend built by @tobihans


  • Unit tests

If you cannot setup backblaze or azure, you can swap the storage service to use by LocalStorageService in the file Extensions/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs (line 167)