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Boozmeter your app to muesure your drinks, money spend and health



In the application user can: -sign up -login -logout -Add drink to the calendar, choosing from the list of popular drinks, add health state, money spent and additional details of the drink (such as volume, % of alcohol and name). -In the calendar see drink consumption, volume, money spent and health -See more datails of each drink added to calendar -Delete drink. -See your own "statistics" and group (average user) "statistic"(it is posiible to choose period of statistics).

User Stories

500 - As a user I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault

Homepage - As a user I want to be able to access the homepage so that I see what the app is about and login and signup

Sign up - As a user I want to sign up on the webpage so that I can see all the events that I could attend

Login - As a user I want to be able to log in on the webpage so that I can get back to my account

Logout - As a user I want to be able to log out from the webpage so that I can make sure no one will access my account

Pick the drink from the list - As a user I want to choose a drink from the list, add volume, price and choose if I have had hangover or how were my health and mood/feelings

Add drink - As a user I want to a add a new type of alcohol with itś volume and price.

Pick the drink from the list - As a user I want to choose a day in the calendar and pick up a drink from the list/BD, add volume, price and choose if I have had hangover or how was my health and mood/feelings.

My Booze statistic - As a user I want to see the statistic details of the selected period of time: alcohol consumed, total volume, money spend, health/hangover.

Community Booze statistic - As a user I want to see the community statistic details of the selected period of time: average alcohol consumed, average money spend, average health/hangover, top drink of the period.


List of other features outside of the MVPs scope

User profile: - see my profile - upload my profile picture - see other users profile - list of events created by the user - list events the user is attending

Homepage: - …


List routes backend


User model

	username: String
	password: String

Drink: /_ name: drink name ('Martini', 'Jameson', 'Heineken' etc.) / { name: { type: String, required: true }, / type: more broad drink type category ("Beer","Wine", "Cider", etc.)/ type: { type: String, enum: drinkTypesArray, required: true }, / percentage: alcohol %% in the drink. _/ percentage: { type: Number, required: true } }, { timestamps: true } );

Event model(add drink): ( { user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: User, required: true }, /to create custom drink names within certain drink type constraints./ drink: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: Drink, required: true }, date: { type: Date, default: }, cost: { type: Number, required: true }, // in mililiters volume: { type: Number, required: true }, health: { type: String, enum: healthTypesArray } }, { timestamps: true } );



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