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Photon - Lightweight, fast and modular JavaScript library

Photon is a JavaScript library made up of AMD modules that are geared towards frontend web development. It includes a robust class system that attempts to mimic Python. It is thoroughly tested and documented and is written under the standards laid down by JSHint.

The library is still in development but some parts should be usable.


My goal is to have Photon working perfectly in IE6+ as well as all modern browsers. I may also end up adding modules that only work in modern browsers, such as a canvas library, but those modules will be littered with warnings.

What about other JavaScript libraries?

Because Photon is 100% AMD it does not pollute any global namespaces. This means that it will work with any other JavaScript library. The only time it would not would be if the JavaScript library broke Array.prototype.push or something that Photon relies on.


Every module is thoroughly tested using Jasmine. You can run the tests by opening tests/SpecRunner.html in a browser of your choice. You can also execute it via the version hosted on GitHub pages.


I have provided large comments in the source matching the NaturalDocs format. The documentation site can be generated from these comments by running make documentation. Once done you can open docs/html/index.html in your browser to see every modules documentation. You can also load the documentation from the GitHub pages site.


To load any of Photon's modules you will need RequireJS. It is a asynchronous module loader that was designed for browsers. It works in IE6+ and also provides an optimiser (r.js). So when you are done with development you can flatten your code and it's loaded modules down to one file and minify it with UglifyJS.

Setting up

The following code is making some assumptions as to where your your main source file and require.js is located, but you get the idea.

<script type='text/javascript' src='scripts/require.js' data-main='scripts/main'></script>

This will first load RequireJS and then instruct it to fetch your main module in scripts/main.js. This will also set the path to main as the base path for all other requests. This means you can load files relative to main.js and not your HTML file.

You will need a copy of Photon for your script to load from. You can get a release archive from the downloads page which you should store next to your main script under the name photon. If it has to be stored somewhere else then you can copy and edit this config to tell RequireJS where Photon is located.

    paths: {
        photon: './path/to/photon'

Do not load from this repository. This repository is for development. You can use it if you really want but you would need to point RequireJS at the source directory within it and it is not guaranteed to be stable. The downloads page houses finished versions which do not contain things such as documentation tools or testing frameworks.

Loading modules

When you are all set up you can load and use any of Photon's modules by placing code like this in your main module or any of your own sub modules.

], function(Class, each, own) {
    // Do things with the loaded modules...
    // Own is anything you want it to be.
    // While you have RequireJS on the page you may as well make the most of it and split up your code.


After you have learnt how to load RequireJS and Photon's modules you can do anything you want. Here is a little example to give you an idea. This code would be placed in your main module as discussed in the loading section.

], function(Class) {
    // Create a base class
    var Animal = new Class();

    // And give it a method
    Animal.prototype.makeNoise = function() {
        alert('The animal made a noise.');

    // Inherit from the base class
    var Dog = new Class(Animal);

    // Override the method
    Dog.prototype.makeNoise = function() {
        // Call the original parent method

        // Add our own bit on the end
        alert('It was a bark.');

    // Run the class
    var myDog = new Dog();

    // Will show "The animal made a noise."
    // And then "It was a bark."


Obviously you will not want to load my heavily commented code and many separate files while in production. Luckily you can use RequireJS to optimise your code into one minified file including only the modules you are actually using. That means no bloated scripts (I am looking at you jQuery...), just the functions and classes you are currently using.

You will need either Java or node to execute r.js, the optimising script. For more information on how you run and configure it head over to the r.js repository. For now, here is a little example as to how you would compile the previous examples.

r.js -o name=main out=main-built.js baseUrl=scripts

Now by altering your loading of RequireJS slightly you can load the fully concatenated and minified version.

<script type='text/javascript' src='scripts/require.js' data-main='scripts/main-built'></script>

All I have done is changed scripts/main to scripts/main-built.

If you are specifying where Photon is located in your code then you will also need to do so in the build command.

r.js -o name=main out=main-built.js baseUrl=scripts paths.photon=./path/to/photon

You can also include Almond in your build. If you do this you will not need to load require.js to load your code. Instead you have a standalone fully compiled script. That means one script on your page that contains only the parts of Photon you need.

r.js -o name=main out=main-built.js baseUrl=scripts paths.photon=./path/to/photon include=./almond/almond.js


Creative Commons License

Photon by Oliver Caldwell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


AMD based JavaScript library






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