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Quick start: Common Lisp (Swank)

glyh edited this page Sep 30, 2022 · 13 revisions


  1. Install the latest Neovim.

  2. Install the Conjure plugin.

  3. Install roswell, a launcher for a major lisp environment that just works.

Configure your lisp implementation

In case you did not have a working common lisp implementation, you should run the following to use sbcl-bin as your default implementation:

ros use sbcl-bin

Start your Swank server

Open a new terminal, cd into the project folder, and run this in a separate terminal to start a swank server for your project. This will use the default 4005 port.

ros run --eval '(ql:quickload :swank)'  --eval '(swank:create-server :dont-close t)'

Start editing!

Now open any .lisp file and start evaluating! You can also manually set a port for swank via :ConjureConnect [port].

If you’re unsure how to evaluate things with Conjure, please refer to :help conjure and :ConjureSchool (an interactive tutorial).