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Pandoc Templates

OliverBalfour edited this page Jun 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

Pandoc supports using custom templates for most export types which allow you to use consistent custom formatting.

Using templates in this plugin is more or less the same as using the Pandoc CLI. You have to download the template file and put it in the Pandoc template path (on Mac/Linux this is a ~/.pandoc/templates directory you create).

  • Add --template my_template_name to the Extra Pandoc arguments setting (if you have a ~/.pandoc/templates/my_template_name.latex file for instance)
  • Make sure my_template_name is in the Pandoc resource path
  • Export to the same format the template is for
  • 🎉

Report any issues in this issue (#31)

In the future I intend to make this a little nicer:

  • When you choose an export type, if there are multiple possible templates it will ask you which one. This way you don't need to know the CLI flags or change the settings when you want to change export type or template
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