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OlivierSohn committed Feb 5, 2019
1 parent 2d3f38e commit 4c9dfe7
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Showing 5 changed files with 102 additions and 67 deletions.
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
- When an async is cancelled, we see "imj-game-hamazed-exe: AsyncCancelled"
in the console. This will be problematic for console-only rendering, as it will interfere
with the game content. So we should catch these exceptions instead.

- we could stream audio at 200 kBytes per second ( 4bytes per frame, i.e 16 bits per channel in stereo)
i.e 1.6 Mb / s

Expand All @@ -13,8 +17,13 @@ Buzzwords:
. documentation will likely fail to build: upload it manually.

- naive fft optimization (for linux):
use assume(N%4 == 0) where applicable and AssumeAligned64 so that compilers
can generate more efficient simd code.
. use assume(N%4 == 0) where applicable and AssumeAligned64 so that compilers
can generate more efficient simd code.
. use a non-recursive cooley-tuckey (see gpgpu-experiments), but make sure cache is
well used (measure naive implementation vs. tiling : maybe the prefetcher will do
a better job for the naive implementation)
.. as suggested in,
avoid having to bit-reverse the input by bit-reversing the coefficients.
we could also use another radix, or use fft libraries.

- midi polling should occur outside ghc's scope to avoid GC pauses, and Haskell overhead.
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions imj-game-hamazed/src/Imj/Game/Hamazed.hs
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ instance GameDraw HamazedGame where

instance GameLogic HamazedGame where
type ServerT HamazedGame = HamazedServer
type ClientOnlyEvtT HamazedGame = ()
type ColorThemeT HamazedGame = ColorCycles

-- Swaps the future world with the current one, and notifies the server using 'IsReady'
Expand All @@ -157,11 +156,12 @@ instance GameLogic HamazedGame where
{-# INLINABLE onClientOnlyEvent #-}
onClientOnlyEvent = \case
() -> return ()

{-# INLINABLE onServerEvent #-}
onServerEvent = \case
WorldRequest wid arg -> case arg of
GetGameState ->
maybe Nothing (mkGameStateEssence wid) <$> getIGame >>= sendToServer . CurrentGameState wid
(join . (fmap $ mkGameStateEssence wid) <$> getIGame) >>= sendToServer . CurrentGameState wid
Build dt spec ->
asks sendToServer' >>= \send -> asks belongsTo' >>= \ownedByRequest ->
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ flip withAsync (`ownedByRequest` (fromIntegral wid)) $
Expand All @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ instance GameLogic HamazedGame where
mkOneGenPerCapability >>= \gens -> do
let go = do
deadline <- addDuration dt <$> liftIO getSystemTime
-- TODO getSystemTime can be costly... instead, we should have a thread that queries time every second,
-- TODO if getSystemTime is costly, we can have a thread that queries time every second,
-- and atomicModifyIORef an IORef Bool. this same IORef Bool can be used to cancel the async gracefully.
-- But we should also read the IORef in the inner loop of matrix transformations to ensure prompt finish.
let continue = getSystemTime >>= \t -> return (t < deadline)
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions imj-game-hamazed/src/Imj/Game/Hamazed/World/Create.hs
Expand Up @@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ data Association = Association {
mkMinimalWorldEssence :: WorldEssence
mkMinimalWorldEssence = WorldEssence Map.empty Map.empty mkZeroSpace

mkWorldEssence :: WorldSpec -> IO Bool -> NonEmpty GenIO -> IO (MkSpaceResult WorldEssence, Map Properties Statistics)
mkWorldEssence (WorldSpec s@(LevelSpec levelNum _) shipIds (WorldParameters shape (WallDistribution blockSize wallProba))) continue gens@(gen:|_) =
mkWorldEssence :: WorldSpec
-> IO Bool
-> NonEmpty GenIO
-> IO (MkSpaceResult WorldEssence, Map Properties Statistics)
mkWorldEssence (WorldSpec s@(LevelSpec levelNum _) shipIds (WorldParameters shape (WallDistribution blockSize wallProba))) continue gens@(gen:|_) = do
--putStrLn $ "wallProba:" ++ show wallProba
-- 4 is the max number of components in the file containing optimal strategies.
go (min 4 $ max 1 $ fromIntegral nShips) [] Map.empty
Expand Down
139 changes: 81 additions & 58 deletions imj-space/src/Imj/Space.hs
Expand Up @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ mkRandomlyFilledSpace :: Int
mkRandomlyFilledSpace blockSize wallAirRatio s nComponents continue gens optStrats
| blockSize <= 0 = fail $ "block size should be strictly positive : " ++ show blockSize
| otherwise = do
--putStrLn $ "wallAirRatio" ++ show wallAirRatio
(closeWorld@(SWCharacteristics smallSz _ _), OptimalStrategy strategy _) <- go blockSize
let property = mkProperties closeWorld $ fmap (toVariants smallSz) strategy
mkSmallWorld gens property continue >>= \(res, stats) ->
Expand All @@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ mkRandomlyFilledSpace blockSize wallAirRatio s nComponents continue gens optStra
$ lookupOptimalStrategy userCharacteristics timeBudget optStrats
userCharacteristics = SWCharacteristics (bigToSmall s bsz) nComponents wallAirRatio
timeBudget = fromSecs 1
timeBudget = fromSecs 2 -- TODO make it user configurable.

bigToSmall :: Size -> Int -> Size
Expand All @@ -200,7 +201,10 @@ smallWorldToBigWorld s blockSize small@(SmallWorld (SmallMatInfo _ smallWorldMat
replicateElems = replicateElements blockSize
innerMat = replicateElems $ map replicateElems $ Cyclic.toLists smallWorldMat

data MatrixPipeline = MatrixPipeline !MatrixSource !MatrixTransformer
data MatrixPipeline = MatrixPipeline
!Int -- number of elements per matrix

newtype MatrixSource = MatrixSource (MS.IOVector MaterialAndKey -> GenIO -> IO SmallMatInfo)

Expand All @@ -224,17 +228,25 @@ mkMatrixPipeline :: ComponentCount
-> LowerBounds
-> Maybe MatrixVariants
-> IO MatrixPipeline
mkMatrixPipeline nComponents' wallProba (Size (Length nRows) (Length nCols)) lb variants =
return $ MatrixPipeline (MatrixSource produce) $ MatrixTransformer consume
(Size (Length nRows) (Length nCols))
(LowerBounds minAirCount minWallCount countBlocks)
variants =
return $ MatrixPipeline nBlocks (MatrixSource produce) $ MatrixTransformer consume
produce v gen =
fillSmallVector gen wallProba v >>= \nAir ->
SmallMatInfo (fromIntegral nAir) . Cyclic.fromVector nRows nCols <$> S.unsafeFreeze v

consume s v mat =
foldStats (s{countRandomMatrices = 1 + countRandomMatrices s}) $ either
(s{countRandomMatrices = 1 + countRandomMatrices s})
$ either
((:|[]) . Left)
(takeWhilePlus isLeft . matchAndVariate nComponents variants v) $ checkRandomMatrix lb mat
(takeWhilePlus isLeft . matchAndVariate nComponents variants v)
$ smallWorldIsValid mat

!nComponents = -- relax the constraint on number of components if the size is too small
Expand All @@ -243,24 +255,38 @@ mkMatrixPipeline nComponents' wallProba (Size (Length nRows) (Length nCols)) lb

nBlocks = nRows * nCols

runPipeline :: Int -> NonEmpty GenIO -> IO Bool -> MatrixPipeline -> IO (Maybe SmallWorld, Statistics)
runPipeline nBlocks generators continue (MatrixPipeline (MatrixSource produce) (MatrixTransformer consume)) = do
smallWorldIsValid :: SmallMatInfo -> Either SmallWorldRejection SmallMatInfo
smallWorldIsValid m@(SmallMatInfo countAirBlocks _)
| countAirBlocks < minAirCount = Left $ NotEnough Air
| countWallBlocks < minWallCount = Left $ NotEnough Wall
| otherwise = Right m
!countWallBlocks = countBlocks - countAirBlocks

-- | Runs the computation in parallel (one thread per random number generator).
-- Returns the result of the first thread that finds a valid matrix.
runPipeline :: NonEmpty GenIO
-- ^ The list of random number generators
-> IO Bool
-- ^ The computation should stop if this is 'False'
-> MatrixPipeline
-> IO (Maybe SmallWorld, Statistics)
runPipeline generators continue (MatrixPipeline nBlocks (MatrixSource produce) (MatrixTransformer consume)) = do
resVar <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar (Maybe SmallWorld, Statistics))
run resVar
run resM =
run' (NE.toList generators)
run' $ NE.toList generators
run' [] =
takeMVar resM -- the first will win
run' (gen:gens) = withAsync (shortcut gen) $ \_ ->
-- print =<< threadCapability (asyncThreadId a)
run' gens

run' (gen:gens) =
withAsync (shortcut gen) $ \_ ->
-- print =<< threadCapability (asyncThreadId a)
run' gens
run' [] = takeMVar resM -- the first thread that finishes its computation wins

-- Note that running producer and consummer in separate threads, and forwarding the results
-- through an MVar is slower than calling them sequentially, like here.
-- from producer to consumer through an MVar is slower than calling them sequentially, like so:
shortcut gen = do
-- we align to 64 bytes and allocate a multiple of 64 bytes to avoid false sharing
-- (assuming a cache line size of 64 bytes)
Expand All @@ -279,18 +305,10 @@ runPipeline nBlocks generators continue (MatrixPipeline (MatrixSource produce) (
consume s ba <$> produce v gen >>= \(BRMV m s') ->
either (const $ go s') (void . tryPutMVar resM . flip (,) s' . Just) m

checkRandomMatrix :: LowerBounds -> SmallMatInfo -> Either SmallWorldRejection SmallMatInfo
checkRandomMatrix (LowerBounds minAirCount minWallCount countBlocks) m@(SmallMatInfo countAirBlocks _)
| countAirBlocks < minAirCount = Left $ NotEnough Air
| countWallBlocks < minWallCount = Left $ NotEnough Wall
| otherwise = Right m
!countWallBlocks = countBlocks - countAirBlocks

mkSmallWorld :: NonEmpty GenIO
-> Properties
-> IO Bool
-- ^ Can continue?
-- ^ The computation should stop if this is 'False'
-> IO (MkSpaceResult SmallWorld, Statistics)
-- ^ the "small world"
mkSmallWorld gens (Properties (SWCharacteristics sz nComponents' userP) variants eitherLowerBounds) continue
Expand All @@ -305,8 +323,12 @@ mkSmallWorld gens (Properties (SWCharacteristics sz nComponents' userP) variants
go lowerBounds@(LowerBounds minAirCount minWallCount totalCount) =
mkMatrixPipeline nComponents wallProba sz lowerBounds variants >>= runPipeline (area sz) gens continue
go lowerBounds@(LowerBounds minAirCount minWallCount totalCount) = do
--print userP -- this is not the one the user sees in the UI, it is already adapted
--print minP
--print maxP
--print wallProba
mkMatrixPipeline nComponents wallProba sz lowerBounds variants >>= runPipeline gens continue
wallProba = fromMaybe (error "logic") $ mapRange 0 1 minP maxP userP
minP = fromIntegral minWallCount / fromIntegral totalCount
Expand All @@ -323,36 +345,36 @@ foldStats :: Statistics -> NonEmpty TopoMatch -> BestRandomMatrixVariation
foldStats stats (x:|xs) =
List.foldl' (\(BRMV _ s) v -> BRMV v $ addToStats v s) (BRMV x $ addToStats x stats) xs

addToStats' :: SmallWorldRejection -> Statistics -> Statistics
addToStats' (NotEnough Air) s = s { countNotEnoughWalls = 1 + countNotEnoughWalls s }
addToStats' (NotEnough Wall) s = s { countNotEnoughWalls = 1 + countNotEnoughWalls s }
addToStats' UnusedFronteers s = s { countUnusedFronteers = 1 + countUnusedFronteers s }
addToStats' (CC x nComps) s = addNComp nComps $ case x of
ComponentCountMismatch ->
s { countComponentCountMismatch = 1 + countComponentCountMismatch s }
ComponentsSizesNotWellDistributed ->
s { countComponentsSizesNotWellDistributed = 1 + countComponentsSizesNotWellDistributed s }
SpaceNotUsedWellEnough ->
s { countSpaceNotUsedWellEnough = 1 + countSpaceNotUsedWellEnough s }
UnusedFronteers' ->
s { countUnusedFronteers = 1 + countUnusedFronteers s }

addToStats'' :: SmallWorld -> Statistics -> Statistics
addToStats'' (SmallWorld _ topo) s =
let nComps = ComponentCount $ length $ getConnectedComponents topo
in addNComp nComps s

addToStats :: TopoMatch -> Statistics -> Statistics
addToStats elt s =
let s'' = case elt of
Right r -> addToStats'' r s
Left l -> addToStats' l s
in s'' { countGeneratedMatrices = 1 + countGeneratedMatrices s'' }

addNComp :: ComponentCount -> Statistics -> Statistics
addNComp n s =
s { countGeneratedGraphsByComponentCount =
Map.alter (Just . (+1) . fromMaybe 0) n $ countGeneratedGraphsByComponentCount s }
s' { countGeneratedMatrices = 1 + countGeneratedMatrices s' }
s' = either addToStats' addToStats'' elt

addToStats' :: SmallWorldRejection -> Statistics
addToStats' (NotEnough Air) = s { countNotEnoughWalls = 1 + countNotEnoughWalls s }
addToStats' (NotEnough Wall) = s { countNotEnoughWalls = 1 + countNotEnoughWalls s }
addToStats' UnusedFronteers = s { countUnusedFronteers = 1 + countUnusedFronteers s }
addToStats' (CC x nComps) = addNComp nComps $ case x of
ComponentCountMismatch ->
s { countComponentCountMismatch = 1 + countComponentCountMismatch s }
ComponentsSizesNotWellDistributed ->
s { countComponentsSizesNotWellDistributed = 1 + countComponentsSizesNotWellDistributed s }
SpaceNotUsedWellEnough ->
s { countSpaceNotUsedWellEnough = 1 + countSpaceNotUsedWellEnough s }
UnusedFronteers' ->
s { countUnusedFronteers = 1 + countUnusedFronteers s }

addToStats'' :: SmallWorld -> Statistics
addToStats'' (SmallWorld _ topo) =
let nComps = ComponentCount $ length $ getConnectedComponents topo
in addNComp nComps s

addNComp :: ComponentCount -> Statistics -> Statistics
addNComp n s2 =
s2 { countGeneratedGraphsByComponentCount =
Map.alter (Just . (+1) . fromMaybe 0) n $ countGeneratedGraphsByComponentCount s }

matchAndVariate :: ComponentCount
-> Maybe MatrixVariants
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,7 +403,7 @@ matchAndVariate nComponents curB v info =

produceVariations (Rotate (RotationDetail order _)) =
Cyclic.produceRotations order m
-- TODO try conduit or pipes or in
-- TODO try conduit or pipes or in:
-- matchAndVariate
-- random matrix creation
-- matrix production.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -635,12 +657,13 @@ data AccumSource = AS {

fillSmallVector :: GenIO
-- ^ Random number generator
-> AlmostFloat
-- ^ Probability to generate a wall
-> MS.IOVector MaterialAndKey
-- ^ Use this memory
-- ^ The "small vector" that will be filled by this function
-> IO Word16
-- ^ The count of air keys
-- ^ The count of 'air' keys
fillSmallVector gen wallProba v = do
let countBlocks = MS.length v
!limit = mapNormalizedToDiscrete wallProba maxBound :: Word8
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions imj-space/src/Imj/Space/Types.hs
Expand Up @@ -346,8 +346,7 @@ data RotationDetail = RotationDetail {
-- /Rotated/ variations "preserve" the topology more than /interleaved/ variations, this is the reason why
-- we don't use this criteria for interleaved rotations.
-- TODO We could have a function here : depending on the distance, we could
-- TODO We could have a function here : depending on the distance, we could:
-- * chose one type of rotation or the other (the choice of Cyclic.RotationOrder could be automated this way)
-- * chose to rotate "less", i.e take one out of n rotations
} deriving(Generic, Eq, Ord, Lift)
Expand Down

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