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Chris Pecunies edited this page Nov 6, 2022 · 1 revision

OLLO Station Repo Wiki


Welcome to the OLLO Station GitHub Wiki

Here you will find an updated compilation of guides, tips, and tricks to getting started with the OLLO Station DeFi ecosystem (more info available at the docs)

Built on the fast, low fee, internet of blockchains -- the Cosmos Network -- OLLO Station leverages a mix of proven protocols and a few very exciting custom designed protocols introduced by the Station 8 dev crew. The OLLO incentive program is generated through airdrops, staking rewards, incentivized liquidity pools, invitation rewards, and more -- and is designed to be comprehensively rewarding as a force to drive adoption, all powered by its governance token: OLLO

About the OLLO mission

OLLO is a sovereign L1 chain built on the Cosmos network providing next-gen trading tools & sustainable tokenomics. Our All in one design Dex platform OLLO Fi will provide a suite of advanced automated tools that expand on the basic capabilities of order book trading, staking, bonding, & portfolio control. Utilizing Interchain accounts will allow our portfolio control to reach beyond just OLLO. Get ready to have full automated control over your assets, positions, stakes, bonds & rewards on all connected cosmos chains. We are a fully Doxxed team of professional traders, developers, DeFi scientists and dedicated individuals focused on continuous DeFi innovation. Our philosophy is built on the idea that the best tools of today are just a glimpse into the possibilities of tomorrow.

OLLO station is currently in the natal period of its long and exciting developmental journey, but even so, we welcome all early adopters -- developers, potential validators, and end users alike -- to help build OLLO Station and its growing ecosystem.