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An immersive frontend portion dedicated to showcasing SpaceX with a dark space theme. launches, and achievements in a visually captivating environment. Engage with interactive elements, enjoy smooth animations, and experience seamless navigation across different devices

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SpaceX Frontend Portion Project


This project is a frontend portion dedicated to showcasing SpaceX-related content with a dark space theme.


  • Dark space theme: Immerse users in a visually captivating environment reminiscent of outer space.
  • Interactive elements: Engage users with interactive components, such as dropdown menus and animated icons.
  • Responsive design: Ensure a seamless experience across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Detailed content: Provide comprehensive information about SpaceX's missions, launches, and achievements.
  • Smooth animations: Enhance user experience with fluid animations powered by Framer Motion.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js: Framework for React-based web applications, enabling server-side rendering and seamless navigation between pages.
  • React: Library for building user interfaces with reusable components.
  • react-icons: Library for including popular icons in React projects, enhancing visual appeal.
  • Framer Motion: Library for creating fluid animations in React applications, adding polish to user interactions.
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for building responsive designs quickly and efficiently.
  • Three.js: JavaScript 3D library for creating and displaying 3D graphics in web applications.


  • @radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu: Library for creating dropdown menus.
  • @radix-ui/react-slot: Library for working with slots in React components.
  • @react-three/drei: Collection of useful helpers and abstractions for react-three-fiber.
  • @react-three/fiber: A React renderer for Three.js.
  • class-variance-authority: Dependency for managing class variance.
  • clsx: Library for conditionally joining classNames together.
  • framer-motion: Library for creating animations in React.
  • lucide-react: Icon library for React.
  • mini-svg-data-uri: Utility for converting SVG files to data URIs.
  • next: Framework for React-based web applications.
  • react: Library for building user interfaces in React.
  • react-dom: DOM-specific methods for React.
  • react-icons: Library for including popular icons in React projects.
  • tailwind-merge: Utility for merging Tailwind CSS classes.
  • tailwindcss-animate: Tailwind CSS plugin for adding animations.
  • three: JavaScript 3D library.
  • three-globe: Library for creating 3D globes with Three.js.

Development Dependencies

  • @types/node: TypeScript type definitions for Node.js.
  • @types/react: TypeScript type definitions for React.
  • @types/react-dom: TypeScript type definitions for ReactDOM.
  • autoprefixer: PostCSS plugin to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes.
  • eslint: JavaScript linter.
  • eslint-config-next: ESLint configuration for Next.js projects.
  • install: Dependency installer.
  • npm: Package manager for JavaScript.
  • postcss: Tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript plugins.
  • prettier: Opinionated code formatter.
  • prettier-plugin-tailwindcss: Prettier plugin for formatting Tailwind CSS.
  • tailwindcss: Utility-first CSS framework for creating responsive designs.
  • typescript: Superset of JavaScript with static type-checking capabilities.


An immersive frontend portion dedicated to showcasing SpaceX with a dark space theme. launches, and achievements in a visually captivating environment. Engage with interactive elements, enjoy smooth animations, and experience seamless navigation across different devices







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