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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

2F - Fast Framework

Is a MVC php framework developed with the mindset of developing web application very fast, All you need is composer installed and you're aready to go.

Here is how to create application using 2F

  • Install composer

  • Run this composer create-project tanzaverse/2f from command line interface

  • Change your sever configuration file from

  • DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/" to DocumentRoot "/opt/lamp/htdocs/my_project_name/public"

  • And put your project inside server's public director example for xampp users it will be /opt/lamp/htdocs

  • Then just type your server's address like http://localhost/ and you are done.

Debugging errors duing development

Move to App\Config.php and change const SHOW_ERRORS=false; to const SHOW_ERRORS=true;

Creating or adding routes

  • Create class inside App/Controllers/Your_classname and create function as shown below


namespace App\Controllers; use App\Models\HomeModels;
use Core\View;
class Home extends \Core\Controller {
   function about(){

  • Create file inside App/Views/Your_folder_name/_your_filename
  • Update function you created by adding this line of code

Create or adding model to interact with database and send data to controller

  • Create class inside App/Models/Your_model_name.php


namespace App\Models;
use PDO;
class HomeModels extends \Core\Model{
 public static function getAll()
    $conn=static::getDB();// this is connection from database

Connecting to database

To connect to database all you need is to change App/Confing.php file to you're database details Example

namespace App;

class Config

     * Database host
     * @var string
    const DB_HOST = 'localhost';

     * Database name
     * @var string
    const DB_NAME = 'clms';

     * Database user
     * @var string
    const DB_USER = 'root';

     * Database password
     * @var string
    const DB_PASSWORD = '';

    const SHOW_ERRORS=false;

To see the route you created

  • Just type you are server's name followed by classname and function name in browser's search bar

Example if you created class named as About and function as index the your route will be About/index http://localhost/About/index