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OmegaRogue edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 1 revision




void AddKeyBindings(params KeyBinding[] keys)

Adds the given Input Keybindings to a BindableDronePart

void RemoveKeyBindings(params KeyBinding[] keys)

Removes the given Input Keybindings to a BindableDronePart


void AddEventBindings(params KeyBinding[] keys)

Adds the given Output Keybindings to a SensorPart

void RemoveEventBindings(params KeyBinding[] keys)

Removes the given Output Keybindings from a SensorPart


void Load(String name)

Loads the Asset bundle with the name name and adds it into Dictionary<String, AssetBundle> AssetBundleModule.AssetBundles

Throws FileLoadException when the AssetBundle isn't found

void Unload(String name, bool unloadAllLoadedObjects)

Unloads the Assetbundle with the name name from inside Dictionary<String, AssetBundle> AssetBundleModule.AssetBundles

Throws NullReferenceException when the AssetBundle isnt in the Dictionary

GameObject LoadPrefabFrom(String name, String assetName)

Loads the Prefab with the name assetName from the AssetBundle name in the AssetBundles Dictionary and returns it

Throws TypeLoadException when the Prefab doesn't exist