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Installation Instructions

MeshCollider edited this page Feb 21, 2015 · 4 revisions


1. Download Omnicoin

Omnicoin for Windows comes packaged as a zip file. At the moment, we only offer the full QT client for the wallet on Windows, and not the standalone daemon (omnicoind). You can download it from the Downloads Page.

2. Extract

Extract the files to a location of your choice. We recommend extracting it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Omnicoin.

3. Create a shortcut

In order to make the wallet easily accessible, you may want to create a desktop- or start menu shortcut to it. Doing so is as simple as right-clicking omnicoin-qt.exe and clicking on Send To > Desktop (as shortcut). In order to create a start menu shortcut, press Win-R (Win being the Windows key with a flag on it) and write: %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs. Now you just have to move or copy the desktop shortcut into the folder.

4. Configure the client

You can speed up synchronization of the blockchain by adding a couple of the official nodes. We already created a configuration file for you. Press Win-R again and write %AppData%. Copy omnicoin.conf into the folder and start Omnicoin.

Mac (Instructions coming soon)

Download from the Downloads Page


1. Install Dependencies

The first step is to update your system and then installing the software required by the Omnicoin daemon. You can do so using these simple commands:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost-all-dev libdb++-dev git ca-certificates

2. Clone (download) Omnicoin

Next you will need to download the source code. When working with git repositories, this is known as "cloning". Again, this is pretty straight forward. The following command will clone the source code into a directory named "Omnicoin".

git clone

3. Build the daemon

Enter the directory we just downloaded the source code to using cd.

cd Omnicoin/src

Now, use make to actually compile the program. We tell make to use makefile.unix, which contains instructions for the program on how to compile it correctly. You can also specify USE_UPNP=- in order to compile the daemon without UPnP support. If you are going to run this on a server, you are not going to need it. If you do want UPnP support, simply change the minus (-) to a 1. If you want UPnP support, you will also need to install the libminiupnpc-dev.

make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-

The strip command will remove a lot of debugging information from the executable, effectively reducing the file size a lot.

strip ./OmniCoind

Finally you can move or copy the executable to wherever you want it. If you want it to be available from all directories, you can copy it to the path folder for self-compiled software, like this:

sudo cp ./OmniCoind /usr/local/bin/OmniCoind

If you had trouble following this tutorial you should either try another tutorial or ask Doctor Blue.

Sample Configuration

================== This is the omnicoin.conf file, stored in your Omnicoin directory

Note: You do not need to have the rpcuser, rpcpassword, rpcport, server, or daemon lines. They are just there for example, and if you're just using it privately, it's strongly suggested that you remove them, leaving just the addnode lines.


Wallet Locations

  • Windows: %AppData%\Omnicoin\wallet.dat (Expanded to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Omnicoin Usually)
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Omnicoin/wallet.dat
  • Linux: ~/.OmniCoin/wallet.dat

It is recommended that you backup your wallet, and store it in a safe place (e.g. a USB dongle or external drive)