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XRP Ledger Token Data API

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About this API

This API offers accurate and up-to-date token trading data for all tokens traded on the XRP Ledger DEX. The data source is the XRP Ledger itself. This API is accessible to anyone. Particular use cases might include:

  • Cryptocurrency Aggregator sites such as CMC, CoinGecko, LiveCoinWatch and others. Such sites can use this API to secure a data feed for any and all tokens traded on the XRP Ledger.
  • Projects needing specific token data such as trading volume, current price, or historic OHLC price data.
  • Personal projects eg. importation of token data into your portfolio tracking spreadsheets using Excel or Google Sheets, for example.

Methods are available for static data retrieval via HTTP GET and POST methods, and some data is also available streamed via WEBSOCKET connections.

Endpoints for access

The HTTP endpoint to use for GET and POST requests is:

The WEBSOCKET endpoint to use for websocket paths is:


Things to know

  • All times in GMT.
  • All responses are JSON format unless specified otherwise.
  • Rate limits apply to all requests and are subject to fair use in our determination. Normal use of this API should not trigger rate limits on your application, but if you need higher levels of access, feel free to contact us:

API Error trapping

Only return status codes of 200 are valid; any other status code returned means the API did not function as intended for your request. Additionally, having received a valid 200 return status code from your request, always check the root JSON return object for the error property. If set, this will be a string error code accompanied by a message property string explaining the error in more detail. Example:

    "error": "ERROR_MAINTENANCE", 
    "message": "The system is under maintenance for a short period.  Please try again later."

Websocket specifics

When using the websocket versions of some endpoint paths described below, there are 3 possible outcomes:

  • an error message with error property; or
  • a ping property with other details denoting current status at the server level of this channel; or
  • a proper data packet as described below for each websocket endpoint path.

Websocket ping messages

When there is no error and no changed data needing to be sent to you, a ping message will be sent to signify that the connection is still alive and the current status of the channel on watch at the server. (There is no need to send a ping request to the server from your client.)

Property Type Description
ping Integer Timestamp of ping event from server
channel String Path of the channel this websocket is listening on for data
status String Current status of this channel (for example: watching) means the channel is alive and watching for property changes to transmit to you
message String Other descriptive data (for example: no change) means no change in the dataset was detected since you last received a valid dataset


Path Methods Description
/ticker/:tokens_or_pairs GET, WEBSOCKET Latest ticker information for a given token, pairing or group of pairs.
/token/meta/:tokens GET, POST Metadata for a given token(s).
/daily/tokens GET Headline Daily Token Data for top 100 traded tokens by volume, market cap or number of trades.
/daily/pairs GET Headline Daily Traded Pair Data by volume or number of trades.
/aggregator GET, POST Aggregator data for all tokens traded in the last rolling 24 hours, including token metrics, fiat USD equivalent pricing and volumes, and individual token pairing data.
/ohlc GET Candlestick chart data including Open/High/Low/Close price data, base and quote volumes, for varying intervals.


The examples folder contains some Javascript code examples for certain endpoints.

Data Paths

GET or WEBSOCKET: /ticker/:tokens_or_pairs

Returns data for the specified tokens, pairs or (if :token_or_pairs is unspecified) a list of latest traded tokens within the last rolling 24 hours.

If a single token is requested, either as a base (/ticker/TOKEN.ISSUER) or as a quote (/ticker/:TOKEN.ISSUER), the server will return all pairs traded against the token in the last 24 hours.

If a specific pair (or pairs) is requested, those specific pair(s) are returned irrespective of whether they have traded in the last rolling 24 hours or not. The difference will be in the volume_base and volume_quote properties which will be 0 (zero) if not traded in the last 24 hours, together with a time property that represents a time earlier than 24 hours ago.

Example GET:

To return data for all pairs recently traded in the last rolling 24 hours...

    // ...with SOLO as the base currency:

    // ... with SOLO as the quote currency:

    // ... for all pairs (no specific token filter):

To return a specific pair or pairs (returning most recent trade data even if outside of 24 hours):

    // ...for CSC/XRP only:
    // for XRP/CSC only:

    // for SOLO/XRP and CSC/XRP (2 pairs in one request):

Other options are available as specified below to format responses in a preferred way.


Websocket data is available as above except via the websocket endpoint beginning wss://. Data packets will be returned approximately every 4 seconds.

// create websocket instance
var mySocket = new WebSocket("wss://");

// add event listener for receiving data from the API
mySocket.onmessage = function (event) {
    const token_data = JSON.parse(;
    // always check there is no token_data.error first
    if (!token_data['error']) {
        // all good, so access .pairs array for the data on the token(s) requested
        token_data.pairs && token_data.pairs.forEach(pair => {
            const theBaseCurrency = (pair.b.c ? pair.b.c : pair.b);
            const theQuoteCurrency = (pair.q.c ? pair.q.c : pair.q);
            console.log('Token pair ' + theBaseCurrency + '/' + theQuoteCurrency + ' was last traded at a price of ' + pair.l + ' ' + theQuoteCurrency);
    } else {
        console.log('There was an error returned from the websocket API:', token_data.error, token_data.message);

Parameters to specify:

These parameters are valid for both GET and WEBSOCKET requests:

Parameter Specification Description
by volume (traded volume in USD equivalent value, descending), trades (number of trades, descending), base (base currency code, ascending) Sorts the returned pairs by the parameter specified. Default: volume
page Integer Data page number to return. Default is page 1.
per_page Integer Maximum number of results to return for this page. Default (and max) is 100.

Returned properties:

Remember to always check the error property first before attempting to process any of the below returned parameters.

Property (GET) Property (WEBSOCKET) Type Description
pairs pairs Array List of pairings returned
pairs[].base pairs[].b Object If base currency is XRP, this contains the string XRP. In all other cases, an object is returned with currency and issuer properties
pairs[].base.currency pairs[].b.c String Currency code of the base token
pairs[].base.issuer pairs[].b.i String r-Address of the base token issuer
pairs[].quote pairs[].q String or Object If quote currency is XRP, this contains the string XRP. In all other cases, an object is returned with currency and issuer properties
pairs[].quote.currency pairs[].q.c String Currency code of the quote token
pairs[].quote.issuer pairs[].q.i String r-Address of the quote token issuer (not specified if quote = XRP)
pairs[].volume_base pairs[].vb Float Volume of the base token traded this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].volume_quote pairs[].vq Float Volume of the quote token traded this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].volume_usd pairs[].vfx Float Volume of USD equivalent value traded this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].price_mid pairs[].pm Float Current mid price on the order books of this pairing. If no orders on both sides of the book for this pair, result is null
pairs[].price_hi pairs[].ph Float The highest price achieved across all trades of this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].price_lo pairs[].pl Float The lowest price achieved across all trades of this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].last pairs[].l Float The price achieved on most recent trade of the pair
pairs[].time pairs[].t Integer, UNIX timestamp (seconds) Time of most recent trade of the pair
pairs[].ago24 pairs[].a24 Float The price last traded from (rolling) 24 hours ago
pairs[].pc24 pairs[].pc24 Float The percentage change in price from (rolling) 24 hours ago to last traded
pairs[].trend pairs[].tr String Either up or down (or unspecified if new), reflecting the last trade direction from the trade immediately prior. If not determined, this property will be missing.
pairs[].num_trades pairs[].n Integer Total number of individual trades on this pairing in the last rolling 24 hours

Websocket specifics:

Websocket returned property names are shortened from their REST equivalents as detailed above. Websocket version will return a data packet every ledger close (approx every 4 seconds) and the returned data will vary depending if changes from the initial connecting request were detected.

When connecting to the websocket version of this endpoint, be aware that the server will return a pairs array of data for any property that has changed since the last pairs packet - this may not necessarily be the l (last) price that has changed. It could be that the rolling 24 hours calculation has changed, for example, triggering the sending of a data packet to your connection. Any property that has changed will trigger data for the whole request to be sent to you (that is, a change in any property of 1 pair will mean data for all your requested pairs will be sent, not just for the changed pair).

GET/POST: /token/meta/:tokens

Returns any metadata known for the token(s) specified (for example, token official name and path to logo file). Single tokens can be requested by simple GET request. Multiple tokens can be requested either by concatenating tokens with + character or using POST method to submit array of strings or token objects (see below).

GET Example (single token):

POST Examples (multiple tokens):

// Pass array of token strings:
const tokenData = await``, {
    tokens: [

// Or pass array of token objects with issuer and currency properties:
const tokenData = await``, {
    tokens: [
            issuer: 'rCSCManTZ8ME9EoLrSHHYKW8PPwWMgkwr',
            currency: 'CSC'
            issuer: 'rsoLo2S1kiGeCcn6hCUXVrCpGMWLrRrLZz',
            currency: 'SOLO'

GET path to specify:

The :tokens part of the path should be the currency code and issuer joined by a period . (see example above). Multiple tokens can be requested by separating tokens with a + character.

Returned properties:

Property Type Description
meta Array List of tokens and their metadata found.
meta[].currency String Requested currency code of the token
meta[].issuer String Requested r-Address of the token issuer
meta[].token_name String Official name of the token, if known
meta[].logo_file String URL to scalable vector logo of the token, if known

If the token has no name or logo, these properties will be missing from the returned results. Note: no check of token validity is made - if the token does not exist, your results will contain just the currency and issuer properties as requested.

Example returned data:

            "currency": "CSC",
            "issuer": "rCSCManTZ8ME9EoLrSHHYKW8PPwWMgkwr",
            "token_name": "CasinoCoin",
            "logo_file": ""
            "currency": "SOLO",
            "issuer": "rsoLo2S1kiGeCcn6hCUXVrCpGMWLrRrLZz",
            "token_name": "Sologenic",
            "logo_file": ""

GET: /daily/tokens

Returns a list of tokens traded on the XRP Ledger DEX at any time within the last rolling 24 hours, together with their key metrics. Max returned items is 100, which in combination with the by parameter, allows getting the top 100 by volume, market cap, or trade count.


GET parameters to specify:

Parameter Specification Description
by volume (traded volume in USD equivalent value), market_cap (market capitalization, in USD), or trades (number of trades) Sorts the returned token list by the parameter specified, in descending order. Default: volume
min_trades Integer Filter the tokens returned to include only those tokens that have traded the specified number of times or more in the last 24 hours. Use to exclude illiquid tokens particularly when ordering by=market_cap. Default: 100. To include all traded tokens, set to 1.
page Integer Data page number to return. Default is page 1.
per_page Integer Maximum number of results to return for this page. Default (and max) is 100.

Returned properties:

Property Type Description
tokens Array List of tokens returned
tokens[].currency String Currency code of the token, eg. USD
tokens[].issuer String r-Address of the token issuer
tokens[].token_name String Official name of the token, if known
tokens[].market_cap Integer Market capitalization of the token in USD based on current mid price and issued suppy of the token
tokens[].volume_token Float The total volume of the token traded across all its pairs
tokens[].volume_usd Float The USD equivalent volume traded across all its pairs at the time of each trade taking place
tokens[].price_mid_usd Float The current mid price in USD equivalent based on the most liquid token pair (currently token/XRP)
tokens[].last_trade_at ISO Timestamp Date and time (in GMT) of the last trade of this token across all its pairs
tokens[].num_trades Integer Total number of individual trades on this token across all its pairs
tokens[].supply Float Total number of tokens under supply obligation by the issuing account
tokens[].logo_file String URL to scalable vector logo of the token, if known

Example returned data:

    "tokens": [
            "currency": "USD",
            "issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B",
            "last_trade_at": "2022-05-10T15:05:42.000Z",
            "market_cap": 32878521,
            "num_trades": 768,
            "price_mid_usd": 1.0055049538537304,
            "supply": 32698516.82373998,
            "token_name": "Bitstamp USD",
            "volume_token": 774648.164521166,
            "volume_usd": 776031.2081952752,
            "logo_file": ""
            "currency": "SOLO",
            "issuer": "rsoLo2S1kiGeCcn6hCUXVrCpGMWLrRrLZz",
            "last_trade_at": "2022-05-10T15:14:52.000Z",
            "market_cap": 146978419,
            "num_trades": 2850,
            "price_mid_usd": 0.36781515699146133,
            "supply": 399598591.6977495,
            "token_name": "Sologenic",
            "volume_token": 1487728.1869581435,
            "volume_usd": 544250.4805697609,
            "logo_file": ""

GET: /daily/pairs

Returns a list of pairs (base / quote) traded on the XRP Ledger DEX at any time within the last rolling 24 hours, together with their key metrics.


GET parameters to specify:

Parameter Specification Description
token String, optional When not specified, returns complete list of traded pairs. Note that this complete list includes inverted pairs (eg. TOKEN/USD.rhub and USD.rhub/TOKEN) with the same overall metrics for easier access to the pair you might want. Be sure not to double-count such entries where relevant in your use case. If token is specified as a concatenation of currency code and issuing account with a period . separator, returns only those pairs traded against the specified token. Examples: CSC.rCSCManTZ8ME9EoLrSHHYKW8PPwWMgkwr, XRP. If token is set to be XRP, tokens are always returned as the base currency with XRP as the quote currency. If token is specified in conjuction with quote below, token is treated as the base currency request (including if set as XRP) and data will be returned in this configuration.
quote String, optional If specified, must be used with token parameter and will limit the return data to be for this pairing only (token/quote). Examples: SOLO.rsoLo2S1kiGeCcn6hCUXVrCpGMWLrRrLZz, XRP.
by volume (traded volume in USD equivalent value), trades (number of trades) Sorts the returned pairs by the parameter specified, in descending order. Default: volume
page Integer Data page number to return. Default is page 1.
per_page Integer Maximum number of results to return for this page. Default (and max) is 100.

Returned properties:

Property Type Description
pairs Array List of tokens returned
pairs[].base Object Base currency specified with currency and issuer properties
pairs[].base.currency String Currency code of the base token
pairs[].base.issuer String r-Address of the base token issuer
pairs[].quote String or Object If quote currency is XRP, this contains the string XRP. In all other cases, an object is returned with currency and issuer properties
pairs[].quote.currency String Currency code of the quote token
pairs[].quote.issuer String r-Address of the quote token issuer (not specified if quote = XRP)
pairs[].volume_base Float Volume of the base token traded this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].volume_quote Float Volume of the quote token traded this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].volume_usd Float Volume of USD equivalent value traded this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].price_mid Float Current mid price on the order books of this pairing. If no orders on both sides of the book for this pair, result is null
pairs[].price_hi Float The highest price achieved across all trades of this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].price_lo Float The lowest price achieved across all trades of this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].price_hi_usd Float The highest USD equivalent price achieved across all trades of this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].price_lo_usd Float The lowest USD equivalent price achieved across all trades of this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
pairs[].last Float The price achieved on most recent trade of the pair
pairs[].ago24 Float The price last traded from (rolling) 24 hours ago
pairs[].pc24 Float The percentage change in price from (rolling) 24 hours ago to last traded
pairs[].trend String Either up or down (or unspecified if new), reflecting the last trade direction from the trade immediately prior

pairs[].num_trades | Integer | Total number of individual trades on this pair

Example returned data:

   "pairs": [
        "quote": "XRP",
        "price_hi": 3.2871288176530022,
        "price_lo": 2.747280225147826,
        "price_hi_usd": 1.0121361553828967,
        "price_lo_usd": 0.9893297283245092,
        "volume_base": 696691.0645208354,
        "volume_quote": 2032756.865624,
        "volume_usd": 697858.4758794114,
        "num_trades": 524,
        "price_mid": 3.233545692446336,
        "ago24": 2.865329512893983,
        "pc24": 13.27,
        "last": 3.245452115401085,
        "trend": "down"

GET/POST: /aggregator

Returns a list of aggregator data for all tokens traded on the XRP Ledger DEX at any time within the last rolling 24 hours, together with each token's pairings and associated key metrics.

GET Example:


POST Example:

curl -d '{"tokens": [{"currency": "CSC", "issuer": "rCSCManTZ8ME9EoLrSHHYKW8PPwWMgkwr"}, "SOLO.rsoLo2S1kiGeCcn6hCUXVrCpGMWLrRrLZz"]}' -X POST

GET/POST parameters to specify:

Parameter Specification Description
token String, GET only If specified, returns the aggregator just for the specified token. Example: SOLO.rsoLo2S1kiGeCcn6hCUXVrCpGMWLrRrLZz
tokens Array of Object or String, POST only If specified, returns the aggregator for the specified token(s) only. The array can contain tokens in a mixture of formats: objects with currency and issuer properties, and/or strings with period-separated currency and issuer. Example: [{"currency": "CSC", "issuer": "rCSCManTZ8ME9EoLrSHHYKW8PPwWMgkwr"}, "SOLO.rsoLo2S1kiGeCcn6hCUXVrCpGMWLrRrLZz"]

Returned properties:

Property Type Description
tokens Array List of tokens returned
tokens[].currency String Currency code of the base token
tokens[].issuer String r-Address of the base token issuer
tokens[].name String Official name of the token, if known
tokens[].supply Float Total number of tokens under supply obligation by the issuing account
tokens[].market_cap Integer Market capitalization of the token in USD based on current mid price and issued suppy of the token
tokens[].logo_file String URL to scalable vector logo of the token, if known
tokens[].dex Object Information on the DEX specific trades for this token
tokens[].dex.price Float XRPL DEX current mid price in USD fiat equivalent for the token via most liquid pairing
tokens[].dex.pc24 Float USD fiat equivalent price change in percent from the price 24 hours ago (rolling)
tokens[].dex.fx24 Float USD fiat equivalent sum of all trades across all pairs for this token in the last rolling 24 hours
tokens[].dex.sum24 Float Total volume traded across all pairs for this token in the last rolling 24 hours
tokens[].dex.count24 Integer Number of trades across all pairs for this token in the last rolling 24 hours
tokens[].dex.pairs Array List of pair data traded against this token in the last rolling 24 hours
tokens[].dex.pairs[].quote String Currency code of the quote token
tokens[].dex.pairs[].issuer String r-Address of the quote token issuer (not specified if quote = XRP)
tokens[].dex.pairs[].name String Official name of the quote currency, if known
tokens[].dex.pairs[].vol_token Number Volume of token currency traded in the period against this quote currency
tokens[].dex.pairs[].vol_quote Number Volume of this quote currency traded in the period against the token currency
tokens[].dex.pairs[].last Float Price achieved on most recent trade of the pair
tokens[].dex.pairs[].time Integer, UNIX timestamp (seconds) Time of most recent trade of the pair
tokens[].dex.pairs[].ask Float Current ask (sell) price of the pair on the order books
tokens[].dex.pairs[].bid Float Current bid (buy) price of the pair on the order books
tokens[].dex.pairs[].mid Float Current mid price of the pair on the order books
tokens[].dex.pairs[].spr Float Current price spread between bid and ask prices
tokens[].dex.pairs[].hi24 Float Highest traded price of the pair within the period
tokens[].dex.pairs[].lo24 Float Lowest traded price of the pair within the period
tokens[].dex.pairs[].ago24 Float Price last traded 24 hours ago (rolling)
tokens[].dex.pairs[].pc24 Float Price change in percent from the price 24 hours ago (rolling)
tokens[].dex.pairs[].fx Float USD fiat equivalent sum of all trades of this pair in the last rolling 24 hours
tokens[].dex.pairs[].count24 Integer Number of trades of this pair in the last rolling 24 hours

Example returned data:

   "tokens": [
         "currency": "USD",
         "issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B",
         "name": "Bitstamp USD",
         "supply": 66956924,
         "market_cap": 67369988,
         "logo_file": "",
         "dex": {
            "sum24": 3697128,
            "fx24": 3710229.4243013225,
            "price": 1.0061690928246487,
            "count24": 1049,
            "pairs": [
                  "quote": "XRP",
                  "vol_token": 3696703,
                  "vol_quote": 9534078,
                  "time": 1653582001,
                  "last": 2.5152037780373253,
                  "fx": 3709805.121005436,
                  "bid": 2.5139844891,
                  "ask": 2.5206369411,
                  "mid": 2.5173107151,
                  "spr": 0.006652452,
                  "hi24": 2.6562030364266627,
                  "lo24": 2.380952380952381,
                  "ago24": 2.4876708046381366,
                  "pc24": 1.11,
                  "count24": 1045
                  "quote": "CNY",
                  "issuer": "rKiCet8SdvWxPXnAgYarFUXMh1zCPz432Y",
                  "name": "RippleFox CNY",
                  "vol_token": 181,
                  "vol_quote": 1205,
                  "time": 1653580582,
                  "last": 6.65999999999999,
                  "fx": 180.91095660379398,
                  "bid": 6.66,
                  "ask": 6.82221,
                  "mid": 6.741105,
                  "spr": 0.16221,
                  "hi24": 6.65999999999999,
                  "lo24": 6.65999999999999,
                  "ago24": 6.659999999999614,
                  "count24": 2
                  "quote": "BTC",
                  "issuer": "rchGBxcD1A1C2tdxF6papQYZ8kjRKMYcL",
                  "name": "GateHub Bitcoin",
                  "vol_token": 181,
                  "vol_quote": 0.00621774,
                  "time": 1653580582,
                  "last": 0.0000343005035829973,
                  "fx": 181.272593767661,
                  "bid": 0.000010011212558065033,
                  "ask": 0.00003398053545634613,
                  "mid": 0.000015465917070579048,
                  "spr": 0.00001419257292890581,
                  "hi24": 0.0000343005035829973,
                  "lo24": 0.0000343005035829973,
                  "ago24": 0.000028184003834661707,
                  "pc24": 17.83,
                  "count24": 1
                  "quote": "USD",
                  "issuer": "rhub8VRN55s94qWKDv6jmDy1pUykJzF3wq",
                  "name": "GateHub USD",
                  "vol_token": 62.12,
                  "vol_quote": 62.12,
                  "time": 1653579980,
                  "last": 1,
                  "fx": 62.119745515061,
                  "bid": 1,
                  "ask": 1.0102235143962908,
                  "mid": 1.0050857600782255,
                  "spr": 98.81372248693705,
                  "hi24": 1,
                  "lo24": 1,
                  "count24": 1
         "logo_file": "",

GET: /ohlc

Returns Open/High/Low/Close price data for a given token pairing for a given timeframe interval.


GET parameters to specify:

Parameter Specification Description
base String Concatenation of base currency code and issuing account with a period . separator. Examples: CSC.rCSCManTZ8ME9EoLrSHHYKW8PPwWMgkwr, XRP
quote String Concatenation of quote currency code and issuing account with a period . separator. Examples: CSC.rCSCManTZ8ME9EoLrSHHYKW8PPwWMgkwr, XRP
interval 5, 15, 60, 240, D, or W Interval timeframe for which OHLC data is required. Integer values represent timeframe in minutes. Ignored when marker is specified.
tf ISO (optional) Time format to return. Default is UNIX timestamp in seconds since epoch. Setting ISO returns string of ISO format time per bar instead.
ending String or Integer (optional) A string timestamp, or UNIX timestamp in seconds, representing the last time bar to return. If not specified, current time is used. Ignored when marker is specified. Examples: 2021-12-25T14:00:00Z, 2022-01-01, 2022-03-15 12:00:00, 1652054400
bars Integer Number of bars of data to return, starting from the ending time and moving backwards for this number of bars. Default varies depending on specified tf. Maximum returned bars is 5000 per call. Ignored when marker is specified.
cf yes (optional) Flag for requesting the carry-forward open price. If set to yes, modifies the open o property returned for each time bar (see below)
fx USD (optional) If set, returns the OHLC data converted to forex equivalent (USD equivalent only presently) to show this pairing relative to USD
marker String (optional) If set and valid from a previous call, the next set of data backwards in time from the last call is returned. Mandatory parameters when marker is specified are: base, quote. Ignored parameters when marker is set are: ending, interval, bars. Other parameters should be specified identical to the original request where relevant.

Returned properties:

Property Type Description
spec Object The interpreted specification from the passed parameters; what the API determined to be your request
spec.base String or Object If base currency is XRP, this contains the string XRP. In all other cases, and object is returned with currency and issuer properties
spec.base.currency String Currency code of the base token
spec.base.issuer String r-Address of the base token issuer
spec.quote String or Object If quote currency is XRP, this contains the string XRP. In all other cases, an object is returned with currency and issuer properties
spec.quote.currency String Currency code of the quote token
spec.quote.issuer String r-Address of the quote token issuer
spec.interval String Interval timeframe
spec.ending Timestamp or String The passed ending parameter
spec.bars Integer The number of bars queried for. Should be equal to the number of data.ohlc items returned. String The passed cf parameter
spec.fx String The passed fx parameter String The passed tf parameter
data Object The main returned data object
data.marker String The response includes a marker field when more data of the type requested in the original call exists. To retrieve the next block of data, call this path again with the marker field populated with this value. If no marker property is returned, there is no more data to retrieve. See marker parameter above.
data.ohlc[] Array List of OHLC price bar data in ascending time order
data.ohlc[].t Integer or ISO Timestamp UNIX Timestamp (default when tf not set) or ISO Timestamp (if tf=ISO) in GMT of the opening time of the price bar
data.ohlc[].o Float Opening trading price of the time bar. If cf was set to yes, this property contains the closing price of the previous bar, and is distinct from the original pairing o price of this bar. It permits the representation of this time bar opening at the same price the previous bar closed at, effectively ensuring there are no price 'gaps' in data bar-to-bar due to illiquid price jumps.
data.ohlc[].h Float Highest trading price within the time bar
data.ohlc[].l Float Lowest trading price within the time bar
data.ohlc[].c Float Closing trading price of the time bar
data.ohlc[].vb Float Volume of base currency traded within the time bar
data.ohlc[].vq Float Volume of quote currency traded within the time bar
data.ohlc[].vusd Float Volume of USD equivalent traded within the time bar. Only returned if property fx=USD

Example returned data:

    "spec": {
       "base": {
          "currency": "SOLO",
          "issuer": "rsoLo2S1kiGeCcn6hCUXVrCpGMWLrRrLZz"
       "quote": "XRP",
       "interval": "60",
       "ending": "2021-11-30 12:00:00",
       "bars": 100,
       "cf": "yes",
       "tf": "ISO"
    "data": {
       "ohlc": [
             "t": "2021-11-26T09:00:00.000Z",
             "vb": 137921.15374666537,
             "vq": 455238.8346539995,
             "o": 3.2729339999096463,
             "h": 3.4467817896389317,
             "l": 3.200000000379838,
             "c": 3.2729339999096463
             "t": "2021-11-26T10:00:00.000Z",
             "vb": 97760.89569615627,
             "vq": 318993.3424850003,
             "o": 3.2729339999096463,
             "h": 3.390000000000026,
             "l": 3.182000000133979,
             "c": 3.295
             "t": "2021-11-26T11:00:00.000Z",
             "vb": 85772.03223426663,
             "vq": 287311.8863329999,
             "o": 3.295,
             "h": 3.4482824387894633,
             "l": 3.1800000048945862,
             "c": 3.3300000323603123

Difference between cf open and normal open price:

This first image below shows the effect of cf being unset, where the open price is unaffected by the previous bar values. Where price gaps exist bar-to-bar, they will be shown as a result: Normal Open Prices

This second image below shows the effect of specifying cf=yes, to close the gap between bars where there would otherwise be a gap. The previous bar's close price is carried forward to be the current bar's open price: Adjusted Open Prices


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