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CrowdBinding | Build Status Reliability Rating License sponge version

CrowdBinding is a Sponge Minecraft plugin that allows group management between players.

Minecraft commands

  • /group invite [player] : Invite a player into your group, create one if needed. The player will receive an invitation within the chat.
    Permission : crowdbinding.commands.invite

  • /group accept [UUID] : Accept a pending invitation. This command is issued when clicking an invitation, you're not really supposed to type it yourself.
    Permission : crowdbinding.commands.accept

  • /group deny [UUID] : Deny a pending invitation. This command is issued when clicking an invitation, you're not really supposed to type it yourself.
    Permission : crowdbinding.commands.deny

  • /group list : List the members of your group.
    Permission : crowdbinding.commands.list

  • /group leave : Leave your current group.
    Permission : crowdbinding.commands.leave

  • /group promote [player] : Promote a player of your group to group leader.
    Permission : crowdbinding.commands.promote

  • /gr [message] : Send a message to your group.
    Permission :

For developer

If you are willing to use CrowdBinding in your plugin development, we provide services to ease interactions.


  • GroupService : Give access to groups
    • Optional<Player> getGroupLeader(UUID groupId) : Try to get group leader from an UUID.
    • Optional<UUID> getGroupId(Player player) : Try to get UUID of group player is in.
    • List<Player> getMembers(UUID groupId) : List members of group with given UUID.

Installation with Gradle

  • Add Jitpack into your repositories
  repositories {
    maven {
        name = 'jitpack'
        url = ''
  • Add CrowdBinding to your dependencies
dependencies {
     compile 'org.spongepowered:spongeapi:7.0.0'
     implementation 'com.github.OnapleRPG:CrowdBinding:v0.4.1'
  • Use services
Optional<GroupService> optionalGroupService = Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(GroupService.class);
           if (optionalGroupService.isPresent()) {
               GroupService groupService = optionalGroupService.get();
               players = groupService.getMembers(groupUuid);