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John Bampton edited this page Jul 15, 2023 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the One wiki!

One is an open source system programming language that makes it easy to build reliable, efficient and performant software.

Getting started


  • UInt8

  • UInt16

  • UInt32

  • UInt64

  • Int8

  • Int16

  • Int32

  • Int64

  • Size

  • USize

  • Float32

  • Float64

  • Float80

  • Char

  • String

  • Bool

  • Function



The "one-line" comment styles only comment to the end of the line or the current block of code.

such as below codes :

//here is a one-line comment.
//programmer : name
//date : 2012


The "multi-line" comment styles start of /* and end of */.

such as below codes :

 Programmer : Name
 Date : 2013
 * Programmer : Name
 * Date : 2013


<type> <name> [=<value>] ;

such as below codes :

string name;

int age=53;


<return_type> <name>( [<type> <name>,] )

such as below codes :

void test()


int name(string name)
   return 5;

Hello World

void main()
   print "Hello, World!";

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