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esr360 edited this page Feb 9, 2020 · 16 revisions


Components are an extension of Modules

A Component forms up with other Components (typically) to form a Module.

Quick Look
import React from 'react';
import { Module, Component  } from '@onenexus/lucid';

export default (props) => (
  <Module name='deck' {...props}>
    <Component name='card'>
      <Component name='heading'>Heading 1</Component>
      <Component name='content'>Content 1</Component>
    <Component name='card'>
      <Component name='heading'>Heading 2</Component>
      <Component name='content'>Content 2</Component>


Please see the <Module> page for available inherited props

Prop Type Description
name String The name of the Component - this is required to map styles from the context
[module] String The name of the Module to use when rendering the Component
[subComponent] Boolean Determine whether the rendered element should be treated as a SubComponent


If this value is not passed, the Module name will be retrieved from the parent <Module>'s context (if it exists). This allows you to either overwrite the context's Module name, or use the <Component> Component without a parent <Module>.

// this won't work as there is no known Module name
<Component name='foo'>Foo</Component>
// this will work as it will retrieve `fizz` from the context
<Module name='fizz'>
    <Component name='foo'>Foo</Component>
// this will also work as we are explicitly passing a `module` value
<Component name='foo' module='fizz'>Foo</Component>


Learn more about SubComponents

<Module name='header'>
    <Component name='navigation'>
        <Component subComponent={true} name='item'>Nav Item</Component>

The above is identical to:

<Module name='header'>
    <Component name='navigation'>
        <SubComponent name='item'>Nav Item</SubComponent>
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