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Mainnet Account & Transfer Tutorial v0.18.13

manikanta472 edited this page Jan 23, 2022 · 1 revision

Before go through the tutorial, make sure you have olfullnode and olclient binary available, otherwise refer to HERE to setup the environment.

If your Fullnode is running in GCP image or Docker, please add sudo before olclient in this tutorial.

Account management

Create an account in secure wallet

olclient account add --name "your preferred name for memorisation"

then input the password to protect the account.

List your account on the node

olclient list 

Delete an account

olclient account delete --address "account address that you want to delete"

then input the password for verification

Get account private key(this command with reveal your private key)

⚠️ Make a backup for your public key and private key is always recommended

olclient account get --address "account address that you want to get private/public key"

then input the password for verification

Transfer and Balance


olclient send --party "your address without 0lt prefix" --counterparty "address you want to send token to without 0lt prefix" --amount "100" --fee 0.00000001 --currency OLT

then input the password for verification

Check Balance

olclient balance --address "address you want to check without 0lt prefix"
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