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How to find by id in MongoDB?

// plain

To find a document by its id in MongoDB, you can use the findOne() method. This method takes a query object as its first argument and returns the first document that matches the query.

Example code

db.collection.findOne({ _id: ObjectId("5f3d7f9f8f9f8f9f8f9f8f9f") });

Output example

  _id: ObjectId("5f3d7f9f8f9f8f9f8f9f8f9f"),
  name: "John Doe",
  age: 30

Code explanation

  • db.collection.findOne(): This is the method used to find a document by its id.
  • { _id: ObjectId("5f3d7f9f8f9f8f9f8f9f8f9f") }: This is the query object used to find the document. The _id field is used to specify the id of the document to be found.
  • ObjectId("5f3d7f9f8f9f8f9f8f9f8f9f"): This is the id of the document to be found.

Helpful links

onelinerhub: How to find by id in MongoDB?