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The Textures Unlimited mod provides the ability to modify how parts are rendered, with providing additionnal effects on top of the existing parts/models/textures. Textures Unlimited does not do anything by itself, it is just a tool.

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TURD (Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot) provides the actual modifications which allow KSP players to apply an effect on stock parts. Two kind of modifications are provided:
1/ applying a default metallic *It's all Shiny* rendering. This needs to customize every part to add this option in the UI.
2/ Allowing part recolouring. This needs to customize the configuration of every part PLUS developping specific textures to tell the mod which zone of the part can be recoloured. It is possible to recolour up to 3 different zones per custom texture.

For KSP Player, with this patch installed you can choose a specific variant or activate a switch to invoke these abilities in the VAB/SPH.

Additionnal developments bring these abilities on other specific mods such as MK2, MK3 expansions and more.

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What TURD does not do is applying these effects to Making History and Breaking Ground parts. This is where I enter the scene and ONLY THERE.
I plan to provide both *It's all Shiny* and Recolouring effects on all DLC parts. My Statement of Work is the following:
1- Provide It's All Shiny for Making History parts
2- Provide It's All Shiny for Breaking Ground parts
3- Provide Recolouring ability for Making History parts
4- Provide Recolouring ability for Breaking Ground parts

I estimate 1 and 2 represent 10% of the global work.


Textures Unlimited is provided and distributed per its own license. The only "modification" is the main dll has been switched out for one from the dev branch which at this time has not made its way in to the official release packages but allows features the configs rely on.

This pack contains scratch made textures, config files and also includes modified Stock textures. Any modified textures were originally created by Squad (to the best of my knowledge). The textures contained within this pack were created and modified for the purposes of adding PBR recolour shaders made available by Textures Unlimited (by Shadowmage) to the parts specified in the configs, for use in Kerbal Space Program by Squad (which should be obvious, right?)

I claim no rights to the original works by others and I do not provide theirs.
Last, this work could not have been done without Man with NoName's work on TURD.

Message ends...

Only Light Matters.

If you modify this pack under the issued license, please distribute this message intact and note your own modifications above it.


Making History and Breaking Ground patches for Recolour Depot







No packages published
