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@koenedaele koenedaele released this 28 Oct 13:49
· 205 commits to develop since this release
  • Major BC break: A provider is no longer passed a database session, but a
    database session maker. This change was needed to get the provider to function
    properly in threaded web applications. This will mean changing the
    code where you're creating your provider. In the past, you probably called
    a session maker first and then passed the result of this call to the provider.
    Now you should just pass the session maker itself and let the provider create
    the sessions for you.
  • Different way of fetching the skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme
    for a provider. No longer fetches a conceptscheme at provider instantiation,
    but when needed. Otherwise we end up with a possibly very long cached version
    of a conceptscheme.